Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
For Members
There are federal laws like the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 that Trillium must follow. This law requires health plans to treat behavioral health services the same as physical health services. Rules for mental health and substance use services must be like those for medical or surgical services. This includes limitations like copays, visit limits, and prior authorization requirements.
To learn more about your covered services, please review your member handbook. Our Benefits also describes how we manage the plan based on our policies, federal and state laws, and regulations.
For more information about your services, please call Trillium at 1-877-685-2415.
For Providers
Updated as of February 3, 2025
Providers Questions
Please submit additional questions on Mental Health Parity using the link below
Mental Health Parity Provider QuestionsPlease contact your MCO’s provider service line or email below with specific questions not related to Mental Health Parity.

Provider Support Service: 1-877-398-4145
Alliance Health
Provider Support: 1-855-759-9700
Vaya Health
Provider Support Service: 1-866-990-9712
Trillium Health Resources

Provider Support Services: 1-855-250-1539
We invite you to attend the Mental Health Parity Training