DJJ and DSS Relationship
Local Connections to Assist Children and Youth
Trillium maintains direct communications with Departments of Social Services (DSS) and Departments of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) across our region. Having dedicated staff involved with the multiple county DSS offices and various DJJ districts allows Trillium to give them the focused attention needed to best serve the children and youth in our care.

Benefits of this relationship include:
- county-based issues get a direct response
- in-office staffings are available in DSS in all 46 counties.
- ongoing DSS presence and presentations regarding information relevant to our DSS partners
- collect data on the 3,500 children in foster care in our region to determine proactive approaches
- collaboration with court counselors to prevent more restrictive and costly care for DJJ-involved youth
- increase utilization of Multisystemic Therapy (MST®) services throughout our counties
- develop innovative solutions to identified gaps or needs involving children and youth
- Co-Responder teams are being implemented with Nash, and Pasquotank DSS.
- level III group homes opening for DSS/DJJ impacted adolescents
- level II group homes opening for DSS involved youth and the only referral source is DSS
- Crisis Respite Homes serving DSS youth
SB207 and Care Review Meetings
- When the Court orders Juvenile Justice to convene a Care Review Team meeting, the Juvenile Justice Representative completes and submits Care Review form to in order to request a Trillium Representative at this meeting
- This email inbox will be monitored daily (during normal business hours) and Trillium representative will be assigned accordingly to attend Care Review Teams.
SB207/Care Review Team is an North Carolina law that is in no way connected to the benefits and entitlements or due process rights related to medically necessary services. Trillium is still required to follow clinical coverage policies under the North Carolina Medicaid State Plan; all of those processes remain in place and will continue to be required to be followed for children who have Medicaid coverage.
For more information, go to Senate Bill 207 / SL 2021-123 (=H252)