North Carolina Treatment Outcome & Program Performance System (NC-TOPPS)


The North Carolina Treatment Outcomes and Program Performance System (NC-TOPPS) is the program used by the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (DMH/DD/SAS) to measure the quality of substance abuse and mental health services a consumer receives and how the service impacts their life.

The LME/MCO-Provider Contract and Memorandum of Agreement obligates a provider agency to participate in the NC-TOPPS program and requires them to complete a NC-TOPPS interview for all identified consumers within a specified time frame.

This valuable data is used to:

  • Develop treatment plans that are individualized to meet the specific needs of each consumer.
  • Maintain quality throughout the service system by identifying inadequate services and outcomes.
  • Aids Local Management Entities-Managed Care Organizations (LME/MCOs) during their monitoring of service outcomes.
  • Provides data for meeting federal performance and outcome measurement requirements, which allows North Carolina to evaluate its service system in comparison to other states.

Additional details of provider agency performance requirements can be found in the LME/MCO-Provider Contract or Memorandum of Agreement signed by each provider agency and the LME/MCO.

NC-TOPPS at Trillium Health Resources:

NC-TOPPS Enrollment Form:

NC-TOPPS Training Materials:

  • NC-TOPPS Quick Start Guide – Provides information for setting up a new user account, links to NC-TOPPS related websites and NC-TOPPS helpdesk, data entry and how to use the data for reports and tracking, and where to access the interview form.
  • NC-TOPPS Implementation Guidelines FY 2024-25 – This is a 19-page explanation of the NC-TOPPS system that outlines the Rules, Regulations and Practices for NC-TOPPS
  • Services that require NC-TOPPS - A listing of all service codes and diagnosis that require an NC-TOPPS.
  • NC-TOPPS Super user Tools Guide – An excellent reference for all super users that explains the role of super users, how to instructions, approve and remove users, and change consumer’s QP.
  • NC-TOPPS Questions (July 2024) – This listing of questions has been compiled by the NC-TOPPS staff. It can help providers answer many of their questions.

NC-TOPPS Report & Data:

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