Regional Operations
Meeting You Where You Are

We partner with health care providers and community stakeholders in our counties to build and strengthen foundations of well-being and help deepen connections between citizens and their communities. We are invested in the future of the public behavioral health system for the benefits of the individuals and communities we serve, because building well-being in our communities depends on many people working together.
Although we serve many counties, we recognize that every community is different and our local presence allows us to understand the diverse needs of North Carolina. We want to hear what your community needs.
Trillium is widely accessible and deeply integrated into our communities to help improve access, reduce administrative burdens on providers, and increase the quality of services. To do this, we have five Regional Offices, each with a Regional Vice President dedicated to your area.
The Governing Board collaboratively plans budgets and monitors Trillium operations. It is composed of an equal number of members from each Regional Advisory Board. This two-tiered governing structure allows for accountability of services within our communities, a local service model, and local advocacy opportunities for individuals and family members. Each region has a Regional Advisory Board to ensure the local voice is heard on the Trillium Governing Board.
Regional Advisory Board
Trillium Health Resources has a 2-tiered board structure to keep governance close to the communities we serve through Regional Advisory Boards. These Advisory Boards, in turn, elect representatives to the Governing Board.
- To involve local stakeholders to respond to unique community needs and priorities
- To promote understanding and collaboration at the local level
- To provide local participation in monitoring the performance and services within each region
- Advise the CEO on evaluation and hiring of future Regional Vice Presidents
- Recommend priorities for expenditures of state/county funds for development of the annual budget
- Monitor resolution of issues
- Identify community needs and concerns
- Identify gaps and needs; make recommendations on the service array
- Monitor performance at the regional level:
- Access to Care
- Financial Status and Expenditures
- Service Delivery
- Provider Network Size and Composition
- Member Satisfaction
- One (1) CFAC Chair or Designee
- Two (2) members from each county, appointed by respective Boards of County Commissioners
- County Commissioner or Designee
- Other appointees who meet criteria outlined in G.S. 122C-118.1
For meeting schedules and rosters of each Regional Advisory Board, click on the links below.
Trillium Regions
Northern Region | |
North Central Region | |
South Central Region | |
Southern Region | |
Mid-State | |
Tribal Contracting Contacts
Tribal Contracting Specialist
Contracting point of contact for both Indian Health Care Providers (IHCP) and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI).
Elena Escobar
Tribal Liaison
Primary point of contact for tribal leadership, tribal councils, and advisory boards for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) and state-recognized tribes and organizations.
Sheena Richardson