Prior Authorization Services

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Acute and Subacute Services Provided in an Institute for Mental Disease (MCD) – 160 (Non-State Facilities and State ADATC)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This service provides 24-hour access to continuous intensive evaluation and treatment delivered in an Institute for Mental Disease (IMD) for acute and subacute inpatient psychiatric disorders. Delivery of service is provided by nursing and medical professionals under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Providers must follow the requirements for inpatient level of care outlined in Clinical Coverage Policy (CCP) 8-B, Inpatient Behavioral Health Services.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for the first 72 hours of service.

Initial Requests (after pass-through):
1. TAR: prior authorization required within the first 72 hours of service initiation.  
2. CCA or DA: Required. See CCP Section 7.5 for additional requirements. An H&P/ Initial Psychiatric Evaluation may satisfy this requirement.
3. Service Order: Required, signed by a physician, LP, PA, or NP. A signed H&P/ Initial Psychiatric Eval meets this requirement.
4. Service Plan: Required
5. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required. 
2. Updated Service Plan: Required
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Members receiving tx for MH diagnoses are limited to no more than 15 authorized days each calendar month. For admissions spanning two consecutive months, the total length of stay may exceed 15 days, but no more than 15 days may be authorized in each month. There is not a day limit for members receiving SU services.
2. For State ADATC’s, the initial authorization will be for at least 7 days.
3. Reauth requests must be submitted prior to the end of the current auth. A late submission resulting in unauthorized days requires splitting the stay for claims payment purposes.  
4. Retrospective auths due to late submissions is not permitted.

Units: Per diem based on the midnight bed count
Age Group: Adults aged 21-64
Place of Service: Institute for Mental Disease (IMD)

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. The case management component of IIH, MST, CST, ACT, SAIOP, SACOT & CADT can be provided to those admitted to or discharged from this service. Support provided should be delivered in coordination with the Inpatient facility.
2. Medicaid eligibility must be verified each time a service is rendered.
3. Discharge Planning shall begin upon admission to this service.
4. Prior authorization is not required for MCD BH Services rendered to Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible members or members with 3rd-party insurance because MCD is the payer of last resort.  When MCD becomes the primary payer, a primary payer auth denial/ exhaustion of benefits letter is submitted with the MCD TAR.
5. Out-of-State emergency admissions do not require prior approval. The provider must contact Trillium within one business day of the emergency service or emergency admission.

Service Code
160 – MCD Acute and Subacute Services Provided in an Institute for Mental Disease, Non-State Facilities and State ADATC
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Acute and Subacute Services Provided in an Institute for Mental Disease (MCD) – 160 (State Facilities, excluding State ADATCs)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This is an organized service that provides intensive evaluation and treatment delivered in an acute care inpatient setting by medical and nursing professionals. This service focuses on reducing acute psychiatric symptoms through in-person, structured group and individual treatment.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Required  
2. I/DD Exception Form: Required per Diversion Law, if applicable.
3. CCA or DA: Required. See CCP Section 7.5 for additional requirements. An H&P/ Initial Psychiatric Evaluation may meet this requirement.
4. Service Order: Required, signed by a physician, LP, PA, or NP. A signed H&P/ Initial Psychiatric Eval meets this requirement.
5. Service Plan: Required
6. Submission of all records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria. The state facility shall provide Trillium with all necessary clinical information needed for the utilization management process.

Reauthorization Requests:
Not applicable

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Provider must submit a TAR covering the member’s length of stay on the next business day following the Individual’s discharge.
2. Member’s that present directly to the facility as an emergency commitment or as a self-referral, the facility shall submit a TAR by the next business day.
3. Members receiving tx for MH diagnoses are limited to no more than 15 authorized days each calendar month. For admissions spanning two consecutive months, the total length of stay may exceed 15 days, but no more than 15 days may be authorized in each month. There is not a day limit for members receiving SU services.

Units: 1 unit per day for up to 15 days per month.
Age Group: Adults aged 21-64
Place of Service: Institute for Mental Disease (IMD)

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Trillium will issue an auth decision within 14 days after receipt of the TAR.
2. The case management component of IIH, MST, CST, ACT, SAIOP, SACOT & CADT can be provided to those admitted to or discharged from this service. Support provided should be delivered in coordination with the Inpatient facility.
3. Medicaid eligibility must be verified each time a service is rendered.
4. Discharge Planning shall begin upon admission to this service.
5. Prior authorization is not required for MCD BH Services rendered to Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible members or members with 3rd-party insurance because MCD is the payer of last resort.  When MCD becomes the primary payer, a primary payer auth denial/ exhaustion of benefits letter is submitted with the MCD TAR.

Service Code
160 – MCD Acute and Subacute Services Provided in an Institute for Mental Disease, State Facilities, excluding State ADATCs
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Adult Developmental Vocational Program (State-Funded) – YP620

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement. Only available to legacy Eastpointe and Sandhills recipients.

Brief Service Description: A day/night service which provides organized developmental activities for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities to prepare the individual to live and work as independently as possible. The activities and services of ADVP are designed to adhere to the principles of normalization and community integration. This service is available for a period of three or more hours per day; although, an individual may attend for fewer than three hours..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial & Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization required.  
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. Service/ Tx Plan or ISP: Required
5. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required.
2. Service/ Tx Plan or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service. 
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Maximum is up to 8 hours/day (32 units), up to 5 days per week (160 units/wk or 8256 units/yr)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Adolescents & Adults (age 16 or older)

Level of Care: NC SNAP Overall Level of Eligible Support of 1 or higher

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Only available to legacy Eastpointe and Sandhills recipients

Service Code
YP620 – State-Funded Adult Developmental Vocational Program
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Alcohol and/or Drug Services (State-Funded) – YP835 (Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: Service is focused on reducing psychiatric and behavioral symptoms to improve the recipient’s functioning in familial, social, educational, or occupational life domains.  The recipient’s needs and preferences determine the treatment goals, frequency, and duration of services, as well as measurable and desirable outcomes.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests: Prior authorization is not required.  No more than 12 visits for adults & 24 visits for children/ adolescents each fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th) of a combination of Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, and Psych Diagnostic Eval.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: No more than 12 visits for adults & 24 visits for children/ adolescents each fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th) of a combination of Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, and Psych Diagnostic Eval.

Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 or lower (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Maximum benefit of 12 visits for adults & 24 visits for children/ adolescents.
2. Service cannot be billed while an individual is authorized to receive ACT, IIH, MST, Day Treatment, SAIOP, or SACOT
3. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
4. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
5. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
6 For substance use disorders, ASAM level 1 outpatient services are provided for less than nine hours a week for adults and less than six (6) hours a week for adolescents.
7. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
8. Provider must verify individual’s eligibility each time a service is rendered
9. If a higher LOC is indicated but unavailable or the individual is refusing the service, outpatient services can be provided until the appropriate level of care is available or to support the individual to participate in that higher LOC
10. Enrolled providers must provide, or have a written agreement with another entity, for access to 24-hour coverage for BH emergency services.

Service Code
YP835 – State-Funded Alcohol and/or Drug Services, Group
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Ambulatory Withdrawal Management (MCD) – H0014 (Without Extended On-Site Monitoring)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This service is an organized outpatient service that provides medically supervised evaluation, withdrawal management, and referral in a licensed facility. Services are provided in regularly scheduled sessions to be delivered under a defined set of policies and procedures or medical protocols. This is a service for a beneficiary who is assessed to be at minimal risk of severe withdrawal, free of severe physical and psychiatric complications, and can be safely managed at this level.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive):
1. CCA: completed within three calendar days of the admission
2. Service Plan: Required, detailing the members’ progress with the service
3. Service Order: Required, signed by a physician, PA, or NP.
4. Discharge Planning: Step-down discharge ASAM LOC must be determined as part of the CCA
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units: 1 unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Adolescents & Adults (Aged 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1-WM. The ASAM Score must be supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions.

Population Served: Primary Substance Use Diagnosis only

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Provider shall verify each Medicaid beneficiary’s eligibility each time a service is rendered
2. Facility must operate a minimum of 8 hours per day, all 5 weekdays (Monday through Friday), and a minimum of 4 hours daily on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). The hours of operation must be extended based on beneficiary need. This service must be available for admission seven days per week.
3. Services may not be provided on the same day as Substance Use Disorder Withdrawal Management or Residential Services, except on day of admission or discharge.
4. Clinical and administrative supervision is covered as an indirect cost and part of the rate

Service Code
H0014 – Ambulatory Withdrawal Management, Without Extended On-Site Monitoring
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Ambulatory Withdrawal Management (MCD) – H0014 HF (w/ Extended On-Site Monitoring)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This service is an organized outpatient service that provides medically supervised evaluation, withdrawal management, and referral in a licensed facility. This service is for a beneficiary who is assessed to be at moderate risk of severe withdrawal, free of severe physical and psychiatric complications and would safely respond to several hours of monitoring, medication, and treatment. These services are designed to treat the beneficiary’s level of clinical severity and to achieve safe and comfortable withdrawal from alcohol and other substances to effectively facilitate the beneficiary’s transition into ongoing treatment and recovery.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive):
1. CCA: completed within three calendar days of the admission
2. Service Plan: Required, detailing the members’ progress with the service
3. Service Order: Required, signed by a physician, PA, or NP.
4. Discharge Planning: Step-down discharge ASAM LOC must be determined as part of the CCA
5. Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised (CIWA-Ar) score(s): Required
6. Discharge Planning: Step-down discharge ASAM LOC must be determined as part of the CCA

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units: 1 unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Adolescents & Adults (Aged 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 2-WM. The ASAM Score must be supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions.

Population Served: Primary Substance Use Diagnosis only

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Provider shall verify each Medicaid beneficiary’s eligibility each time a service is rendered
2. Facility must operate a minimum of 8 hours per day, all 5 weekdays (Monday through Friday), and a minimum of 4 hours daily on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). The hours of operation must be extended based on beneficiary need. This service must be available for admission seven days per week.
3. Services may not be provided on the same day as Substance Use Disorder Withdrawal Management or Residential Services, except on day of admission or discharge.
4. Clinical and administrative supervision is covered as an indirect cost and part of the rate

Service Code
H0014 – Ambulatory Withdrawal Management, w/ Extended On-Site Monitoring
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Ambulatory Withdrawal Management (State-Funded) – H0014 (without Extended On-Site Monitoring)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: This is a service for an individual who is assessed to be at minimal risk of severe withdrawal, free of severe physical and psychiatric complications, and can be safely managed at this level. These services are designed to treat the individual’s level of clinical severity and to achieve safe and comfortable withdrawal from alcohol and other substances to effectively facilitate the individual’s transition into ongoing treatment and recovery.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required through the first 3 calendar days of services.

Initial Requests (after pass-through):
1. TAR: Required within the first 3 calendar days of service initiation
2. Initial Abbreviated Assessment or CCA / DA: A comprehensive clinical assessment must be completed by a licensed professional to determine an ASAM level of care for discharge planning w/in 3 days of admission.
3. Service Order: Required, signed by a physician, PA, or NP
4. CIWA-Ar score, or other comparable standardized scoring system: Required, supporting this LOC
5. Submission of applicable records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Prior approval required
2. CIWA-Ar score, or other comparable standardized scoring system: Required, supporting this LOC
3. Updated Service Plan: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service
4. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1-WM. The ASAM Criteria, Third Edition uses six dimensions to create a holistic, biopsychosocial assessment to be used for service planning and treatment. The ASAM Score must be supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions.

Population Served: Primary Substance Use Diagnosis only

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Service may not be provided on the same day as Substance Use Disorder Withdrawal Management or Residential Services, except on day of admission or discharge
2. This facility must be in operation a minimum of 8 hours per day, all 5 weekdays (Monday through Friday), and a minimum of 4 hours daily on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). The hours of operation must be extended based on an individual’s need.  This service must be available for admission seven days per week.
3. Discharge planning beginning at admission
4. Provider(s) shall verify eligibility each time a service is rendered
5. State funds shall not cover clinical and administrative supervision of Level 1 WM staff, which is covered as an indirect cost and part of the rate

Service Code
H0014 – State-Funded Ambulatory Withdrawal Management, without Extended On-Site Monitoring
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Assertive Community Treatment Program (MCD) – H0040

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An ACT team assists a member in advancing toward personal goals with a focus on enhancing community integration and regaining valued roles (example: worker, daughter, resident, spouse, tenant, or friend). A fundamental charge of ACT is to be the first line (and generally sole provider) of all the services that an ACT member needs. A member who is appropriate for ACT does not benefit from receiving services across multiple, disconnected providers, and may become at greater risk of hospitalization, homelessness, substance use, victimization, and incarceration.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period:
Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable
2. Complete PCP, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan: Specific interventions, duration, and frequency for each of the ACT Team staff must be included.  PCP must address the role of all team members including frequency and duration of each role. 
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
1. One unit = 1 event 
2. One unit is auth’d per month, although a shadow claim should be billed every time an encounter occurs.
3. The expectation is most ACT members will receive more than 4 contacts per month, with most seeing at least 3 team members in a given month.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Members with a primary dx of a SU, IDD, TBI, borderline personality disorder, or an autism spectrum disorder are not the intended member group for ACT and should not be referred if they do not have a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. 
2. ACT cannot be provided concurrently w/: Outpatient therapy, Med Management, or Psych Services; Mobile Crisis; PSR (after a 30-day transition period); CST; Partial Hospitalization; Tenancy Support Services; Nursing home facility, or IPS-Supported Employment or LTVS.

Service Code
H0040 – State-Funded Assertive Community Treatment Program
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Assertive Community Treatment Program (MCD) – H0040 U1 (Shadow Claims)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An ACT team assists a member in advancing toward personal goals with a focus on enhancing community integration and regaining valued roles (example: worker, daughter, resident, spouse, tenant, or friend). A fundamental charge of ACT is to be the first line (and generally sole provider) of all the services that an ACT member needs. A member who is appropriate for ACT does not benefit from receiving services across multiple, disconnected providers, and may become at greater risk of hospitalization, homelessness, substance use, victimization, and incarceration.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period:
Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable
2. Complete PCP, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan: Specific interventions, duration, and frequency for each of the ACT Team staff must be included.  PCP must address the role of all team members including frequency and duration of each role. 
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
1. One unit = 1 event 
2. One unit is auth’d per month, although a shadow claim should be billed every time an encounter occurs.
3. The expectation is most ACT members will receive more than 4 contacts per month, with most seeing at least 3 team members in a given month.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Members with a primary dx of a SU, IDD, TBI, borderline personality disorder, or an autism spectrum disorder are not the intended member group for ACT and should not be referred if they do not have a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. 
2. ACT cannot be provided concurrently w/: Outpatient therapy, Med Management, or Psych Services; Mobile Crisis; PSR (after a 30-day transition period); CST; Partial Hospitalization; Tenancy Support Services; Nursing home facility, or IPS-Supported Employment or LTVS.

Service Code
H0040 U1 – MCD Assertive Community Treatment Program, Shadow Claims
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Assertive Community Treatment Program (State-Funded) – H0040

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team consists of a community-based group of medical, behavioral health, and rehabilitation professionals who use a team approach to meet the needs of an individual with severe and persistent mental illness. An individual who is appropriate for ACT does not benefit from receiving services across multiple, disconnected providers, and may become at greater risk of hospitalization, homelessness, substance use, victimization, and incarceration.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required.  
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan. Specific interventions, duration, and frequency for each of the ACT Team staff must be included.  PCP must address the role of all team individuals including frequency and duration of each role. 
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP (including above detailed requirements): recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service. 
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to 30 days for all authorization requests.
2. No more than 5 months in a rolling year will be authorized.
3. Team must see individuals, on average, 1.5 times per week for at least 60 minutes per week. It is expected that additional face-to-face and phone contacts are made with individuals, their natural supports, and other providers on their behalf.

1. One unit = 1 event.  
2. One unit is auth’d per month, although a shadow claim should be billed every time an encounter occurs.
3. The expectation is most ACT individuals will receive more than 4 contacts per month, with most seeing at least 3 team individuals in a given month.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. ACT cannot be provided concurrently with: Individual, Group, or Family Outpatient; OPT Med Management; Outpatient Psychiatric Services; d. Mobile Crisis Management; PSR or CST (after a 30-day transition period; Partial Hospitalization; Tenancy Support Services; Nursing home facility, IPS-SE or LTVS.
2. State funds will not cover services provided to individuals with a primary dx of a SU disorder, IDD, ASD, personality disorders, or TBI.

Service Code
H0040 – State-Funded Assertive Community Treatment Program
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Assertive Community Treatment Program (State-Funded) – H0040 U1 (Shadow Claims)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team consists of a community-based group of medical, behavioral health, and rehabilitation professionals who use a team approach to meet the needs of an individual with severe and persistent mental illness. An individual who is appropriate for ACT does not benefit from receiving services across multiple, disconnected providers, and may become at greater risk of hospitalization, homelessness, substance use, victimization, and incarceration.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required.  
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan. Specific interventions, duration, and frequency for each of the ACT Team staff must be included.  PCP must address the role of all team individuals including frequency and duration of each role. 
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP (including above detailed requirements): recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service. 
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to 30 days for all authorization requests.
2. No more than 5 months in a rolling year will be authorized.
3. Team must see individuals, on average, 1.5 times per week for at least 60 minutes per week. It is expected that additional face-to-face and phone contacts are made with individuals, their natural supports, and other providers on their behalf.

1. One unit = 1 event.  
2. One unit is auth’d per month, although a shadow claim should be billed every time an encounter occurs.
3. The expectation is most ACT individuals will receive more than 4 contacts per month, with most seeing at least 3 team individuals in a given month.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. ACT cannot be provided concurrently with: Individual, Group, or Family Outpatient; OPT Med Management; Outpatient Psychiatric Services; d. Mobile Crisis Management; PSR or CST (after a 30-day transition period; Partial Hospitalization; Tenancy Support Services; Nursing home facility, IPS-SE or LTVS.
2. State funds will not cover services provided to individuals with a primary dx of a SU disorder, IDD, ASD, personality disorders, or TBI.

Service Code
H0040 U1 – State-Funded Assertive Community Treatment Program, Shadow Claims
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Assistive Technology Equipment and Supplies (INN) – T2029

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Assistive Technology, Equipment and Supplies (ATES) are necessary for the proper functioning of items and systems, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that are used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals. This service covers purchases, leasing, trial periods and shipping costs, and as necessary, repair/modification of equipment required to enable individuals to increase, maintain or improve their functional capacity to perform daily life tasks that would not be possible otherwise. Cost of Monthly monitoring, connectivity, and internet charges may be covered when it is required for the functioning of the item and system.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. for each plan year.
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget: shipping costs must be itemized. Taxes are not coverable.
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment 
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) a plan for training the individual, the natural support system, and paid caregivers on the use of the requested equipment and supplies, f) Long-range outcomes related to training needs associated with the member’s or family’s utilization and procurement of the requested equipment or adaptations. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Assessment or Written Recommendation:  by an appropriate professional identifying:
a. the equipment and supplies being requested in the amounts needed
b. Must be less than one calendar year old from requested date.
7. Certificate of Medical Necessity/Prescription: completed by the physician, PA, or NP. MN must be documented for every item requested.
8. MN Letter: written & signed by an MD/ DO, PA, NP, or applicable professional for every item requested. This meets the prescription requirement when created by an MD/ DO, PA, or NP.
9. When an assessment is completed by another professional recommending the MN of specific items, then an MD/ DO, PA, or NP must write a letter of MN OR sign off on the letter of MN prepared by professional AND write a prescription.
10. The estimated life of the equipment and the length of time the member is expected to benefit from the equipment.
11. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
For Assistive Technology Equipment 
1. Training Plan: how the person and family will be trained on the use of the equipment
2. Two quotes for the requested item(s)

For Supplies
1. Statement of Medical Necessity: completed by an appropriate professional, to include the amount and type of item(s) 
2. Supplies that continue to be needed at the time of the Annual Plan must be recommended by an annual re-assessment. The assessment or recommendation must be updated if the amount needs change.
3. Two quotes for the requested item(s)

For Adaptive Car Seats
1. A documented chronic health condition or DD which requires the use of an adaptive car seat for positioning. 
2. The following information in the assessment must be included:
a. Member’s weight;
b. Weight limits of the car seat currently used to transport;
c. Measurements showing the member has a seat to crown height that is longer than the back height of the largest child car safety seat if the member weighs less than the upper weight limit of the current car seat;
d. Reasons why the member cannot be safely transported in a car seat belt or convertible or booster seat for individual weighing 30 pounds and up; 
e. Two quotes for the requested item(s)

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Limited to expenditures of $50,000 (ATES and Home Modifications) over the life of the waiver (excluding nutritional supplements and monthly alert monitoring / connectivity system charges).
2.    Assistive Technology and Supplies can be requested when the item will belong to the individual.
3.    Excluded Items include:
a.    Recreational items normally purchased by a family
b.    Non-Adaptive Computer desks and other furniture items.
c.    Service, maintenance contracts and extended warranties
d.    Equipment or supplies purchased for exclusive use at the school/home school
e.    Computer hardware solely to improve socialization or educational skills, to provide recreation or diversion activities, or to be used by any person other than the member.
f.    Hot tubs, Jacuzzis, and pools.
g.    Items utilized as restraints.
h.    Items that are coverable under the Medicaid DME benefit should not be covered by NC Innovations ATES.
4.    Remote support technology may only be used with consent of the individual and guardian, indicated in the ISP (including preference for the location of any monitoring equipment)
5.    Service contracts and extended warranties may be covered for a one-year time frame.
6.    All items must meet applicable standards of manufacture, design, and installation.
7.    Car seats are not approved for behavioral restraint.
8.    See the CCP for all covered items and categories
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Behavioral Health Crisis Assessment and Intervention (MCD) – T2016 U5 (Tier III)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This service is designed to provide triage, crisis risk assessment, evaluation, and intervention within a Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) setting for members experiencing a behavioral health crisis meeting emergent or urgent triage standards. Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care. A BHUC setting is an alternative, but not a replacement, to a community hospital Emergency Department.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial & Concurrent Requests: No prior authorization is required for this service.

1. Tier IV BHUC holds IVC designation and completes IVC First Evaluations.
2. Within a BHUC setting, law enforcement is available on site to maintain custody and facilitate drop off by community first responders or other law enforcement in instances where a petition has been filed or an IVC has been initiated.
3. This BH-CAI service is comprised of four elements. Central to it is the clinical assessment by a licensed clinician. Without that component the service is not billable. Other core elements include a triage determination, crisis intervention and disposition planning.
4. BHUC services are either Tier III or Tier IV. A Tier III BHUC operates at least 12 hours per day 7 days a week, 365 days a year w/ at least 6 hours occurring after 4:00 PM each day. A Tier IV BHUC is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This service is designed to be completed during the defined business hours.
5. For community discharges, it is expected the consumer will receive a copy of the crisis plan and follow up instructions at the time of release.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay & Units: One unit = 1 event with a clinical assessment by a licensed clinician (required for billing).  Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Place of Service: Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC)

Level of Care: Members experiencing a behavioral health crisis with any combination of MH, SUD and co-occurring BH/IDD issue

Age Group: Children, Adolescents & Adults (Individuals 4 years or older)

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): None noted

Service Code
T2016 U5 – MCD Behavioral Health Crisis Assessment and Intervention, Tier III
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Behavioral Health Crisis Assessment and Intervention (MCD) – T2016 U6 (Tier IV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This service is designed to provide triage, crisis risk assessment, evaluation, and intervention within a Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) setting for members experiencing a behavioral health crisis meeting emergent or urgent triage standards. Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care. A BHUC setting is an alternative, but not a replacement, to a community hospital Emergency Department.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial & Concurrent Requests: No prior authorization is required for this service.

1. Tier IV BHUC holds IVC designation and completes IVC First Evaluations.
2. Within a BHUC setting, law enforcement is available on site to maintain custody and facilitate drop off by community first responders or other law enforcement in instances where a petition has been filed or an IVC has been initiated.
3. This BH-CAI service is comprised of four elements. Central to it is the clinical assessment by a licensed clinician. Without that component the service is not billable. Other core elements include a triage determination, crisis intervention and disposition planning.
4. BHUC services are either Tier III or Tier IV. A Tier III BHUC operates at least 12 hours per day 7 days a week, 365 days a year w/ at least 6 hours occurring after 4:00 PM each day. A Tier IV BHUC is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This service is designed to be completed during the defined business hours.
5. For community discharges, it is expected the consumer will receive a copy of the crisis plan and follow up instructions at the time of release.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay & Units: One unit = 1 event with a clinical assessment by a licensed clinician (required for billing).  Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Place of Service: Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC)

Level of Care: Members experiencing a behavioral health crisis with any combination of MH, SUD and co-occurring BH/IDD issue

Age Group: Children, Adolescents & Adults (Individuals 4 years or older)

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): None noted

Service Code
T2016 U6 – MCD Behavioral Health Crisis Assessment and Intervention, Tier IV
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Behavioral Health Urgent Care (State-Funded) – T2016 U5 (without Observation)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: BHUC offers a safe alternative and diversion from the use of hospital EDs to address the needs of individuals experiencing BH crises. Service is a designated service for individuals experiencing a BH crisis related to a SU disorder, MH disorder, and/or I/DD dx or any combo of the above. A BHUC is designed to provide triage, crisis risk assessment, evaluation and intervention to individuals whose crisis response needs are deemed to be urgent or emergent. Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial & Concurrent Requests: No prior approval is required.

Service Specifics: 
1. BHUC services are either Tier III or Tier IV. Tier III BHUC operates at least 12 hours per day 7 days a week, 365 days a year w/ at least 6 hours occurring after 4:00 PM each day. A Tier IV BHUC is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
2. Only members meeting criteria for urgent or emergent are eligible for this BHUC service. If an individual is screened and the need is determined to be routine, they will be referred to a community-based service provider for follow up.
3. Triage must be initiated within 15 minutes of arrival.
4. The Crisis/Risk Assessment must be initiated within 2 hours of arrival at the BHUC.
5. If the individual is at a Tier IV BHUC and it is determined that there is a need for admission to a community hospital or an FBC and there is no immediate bed available (within 2 hours) the individual will be placed into Observation status.  A voluntary individual is able to stay in Observation for a maximum length of stay of 23 hours and 59 minutes (23:59). Individuals that meet medical necessity for IVC can be held in observation beyond 23 hours and 59 minutes. During this time the individual is continuously being assessed for the need of continued stay or determination that the crisis has been resolved, and the person is able to return independently to the community with follow up services.
6. Upon discharge, individuals will be provided with written discharge instructions including information such as medications, community resource referrals, and scheduled appointment date, time and location.
7. Disposition coordination and discharge planning includes communicating with Trillium Care Coordination and/or other care management entities.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay & Units: One unit = 1 event.  Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Age Group: Children, Adolescents & Adults (aged 4 and older)
Population Served: All Behavioral Health Diagnosis
Place of Service: Office and clinics as clinically indicated

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Not a step-down service for inpatient/FBC discharge
2. Not for routine follow up for med management and cannot administer routine injectable meds
3. Not to replace first responder services
4. Not to replace MCM nor to be used as a diversion from MCM
5. Not to be billed at the same time as other services.

Service Code
T2016 U5 – State-Funded Behavioral Health Urgent Care, without Observation
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Behavioral Health Urgent Care (State-Funded) – T2016 U8 (with Observation)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: BHUC offers a safe alternative and diversion from the use of hospital EDs to address the needs of individuals experiencing BH crises. Service is a designated service for individuals experiencing a BH crisis related to a SU disorder, MH disorder, and/or I/DD dx or any combo of the above. A BHUC is designed to provide triage, crisis risk assessment, evaluation and intervention to individuals whose crisis response needs are deemed to be urgent or emergent. Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial & Concurrent Requests: No prior approval is required.

Service Specifics: 
1. BHUC services are either Tier III or Tier IV. Tier III BHUC operates at least 12 hours per day 7 days a week, 365 days a year w/ at least 6 hours occurring after 4:00 PM each day. A Tier IV BHUC is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
2. Only members meeting criteria for urgent or emergent are eligible for this BHUC service. If an individual is screened and the need is determined to be routine, they will be referred to a community-based service provider for follow up.
3. Triage must be initiated within 15 minutes of arrival.
4. The Crisis/Risk Assessment must be initiated within 2 hours of arrival at the BHUC.
5. If the individual is at a Tier IV BHUC and it is determined that there is a need for admission to a community hospital or an FBC and there is no immediate bed available (within 2 hours) the individual will be placed into Observation status.  A voluntary individual is able to stay in Observation for a maximum length of stay of 23 hours and 59 minutes (23:59). Individuals that meet medical necessity for IVC can be held in observation beyond 23 hours and 59 minutes. During this time the individual is continuously being assessed for the need of continued stay or determination that the crisis has been resolved, and the person is able to return independently to the community with follow up services.
6. Upon discharge, individuals will be provided with written discharge instructions including information such as medications, community resource referrals, and scheduled appointment date, time and location.
7. Disposition coordination and discharge planning includes communicating with Trillium Care Coordination and/or other care management entities.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay & Units: One unit = 1 event.  Individuals receiving this service will be evaluated, then stabilized and/or referred to the most appropriate level of care.

Age Group: Children, Adolescents & Adults (aged 4 and older)
Population Served: All Behavioral Health Diagnosis
Place of Service: Office and clinics as clinically indicated

Service Specifics, Limitations/ Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Not a step-down service for inpatient/FBC discharge
2. Not for routine follow up for med management and cannot administer routine injectable meds
3. Not to replace first responder services
4. Not to replace MCM nor to be used as a diversion from MCM
5. Not to be billed at the same time as other services.

Service Code
T2016 U8 – State-Funded Behavioral Health Urgent Care, with Observation
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Child and Adolescent Day Treatment (MCD) – H2012 HA

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: This is a structured tx service in a licensed facility for youth and their families that builds on strengths and addresses identified needs. This service is designed to serve children who, as a result of their mental health or substance use disorder tx needs, are unable to benefit from participation in academic or vocational services at a developmentally appropriate level in a traditional school or work setting. The provider implements therapeutic interventions that are coordinated with the member’s academic or vocational services available through enrollment in an educational setting.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive):
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions (if applicable).
3. Complete PCP, reviewed as applicable.  
4. Service Order, signed by an MD, DO, PA, NP, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Child/Adolescent Discharge/Transition Plan
6. IEP/ 504 Plan
7. Behavioral Plan
8. School Suspension Records

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: This service should be titrated based on the transition plan.

Units: One unit =1 hour
Age Group: Children & Adolescents (Age 5 through 20)

Level of Care: ASAM Level of 2.1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CADT services cannot be provided during the same auth period as: IIH; MST; Individual, Group and Family therapy; SAIOP; Child Residential Tx: Level II Program Type through Level IV; PRTF; Substance Abuse Residential Services, or; Inpatient Hospitalization.
2. CADT programs may not operate as simply an after-school program.  
3. CADT programs may not operate as simply an after-school program.  
4. Transition and discharge planning begin at admission and must be documented in the PCP.

Service Code
H2012 HA – MCD Child and Adolescent Day Treatment
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Child and Adolescent Day Treatment (State-Funded) – H2012 HA

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: A structured tx service in a licensed facility for children or adolescents and their families that builds on strengths and addresses identified needs. This service is designed to serve children who, as a result of their MH or SU disorder tx needs, are unable to benefit from participation in academic or vocational services at a developmentally appropriate level in a traditional school or work setting. The provider implements therapeutic interventions that are coordinated with the individual’s academic or vocational services available through enrollment in an educational setting. Each CADT provider must follow a clearly identified clinical model(s) or evidence-based tx(s) consistent with best practice. Day Treatment provides case management services.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions (if applicable).
3. Complete PCP: Required  
4. Service Order: Required
5. Child/Adolescent Discharge/Transition Plan
6. IEP/ 504 Plan: Required
7. Behavioral Plan: Required
8. School Suspension Records: Required
9. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service. 
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of all records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. This is a time limited service, and services should be titrated based on the transition plan in the PCP.  
2. This is a day or night service that shall be available year-round for a minimum of three hours a day during all days of operation.
3. Up to 60 days for the initial and reauth period.  

1.  One unit = 1 hour.  
2. Up to 258 units per 60 days.  

Age Group: Children & Adolescents (Ages 5 through 17)

Level of Care: ASAM Level of 2.1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CADT services may not be provided during the same auth period as: IIH; MST; Individual, group, and family therapy; SAIOP; Child Residential Treatment services–Levels II through IV; PRTF; Substance abuse residential services; or Inpatient hospitalization.
2. CADT programs may not operate as simply an after-school program.  

Service Code
H2012 HA – State-Funded Child and Adolescent Day Treatment
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Age 5 - 17
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Child First Services (MCD) – H2022 HE (Monthly Service)

Authorization Guidelines:

Child First is an intensive, early childhood, two-generation, home visiting intervention that works with the most vulnerable young children (prenatal through age five years) and their families. The goal is to heal and protect children from trauma and adversity. This service requires prior approval through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) process. To request a service under EPSDT, submit a TAR and upload the EPSDT non-covered form as part of the clinical documents for review. 

Service Code
H2022 HE
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Child First Services (MCD) – H2022 HE U1 (Encounters)

Authorization Guidelines:

Child First is an intensive, early childhood, two-generation, home visiting intervention that works with the most vulnerable young children (prenatal through age five years) and their families. The goal is to heal and protect children from trauma and adversity. This service requires prior approval through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) process. To request a service under EPSDT, submit a TAR and upload the EPSDT non-covered form as part of the clinical documents for review. 

Service Code
H2022 HE U1
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2012 (Community Component of CLS, Non-EVV, Individual)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2012 – Community Living and Supports Community
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2012 GC (Live-In Caregiver CLS, Non-EVV, Individual)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2012 CG - Community Living and Supports-Live In Caregiver
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2012 GC HQ (Live-In Caregiver CLS, Non-EVV, Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2012 CG HQ Community Living and Supports Group- Live In Caregiver
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2012 HQ (Community Component of CLS, Non-EVV, Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2012 HQ – INN Community Living and Support, Community Component of CLS, Non-EVV, Group
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2013 TF (In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Individual)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2013 TF Individual - In Home EVV required
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2013 TF GT (In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Individual, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2013 TF GT – INN Community Living and Support, In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Individual, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2013 TF HQ (In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2013 TF HQ - Group - EVV Required
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (INN) – T2013 TF HQ GT (In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Group, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized or group service that enables the waiver member to live successfully in their home and be an active member of their community. Community Living and Support enables the member to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills. The intended outcome of the service is to increase or maintain the member’s life skills or provide the supervision needed to empower the member to live in the home of their family or natural supports or in their private primary residency, maximize self-sufficiency, increase self- determination and enhance the opportunity to have full membership in the community.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures, e) if applicable, member agrees with the employment of the relative and has been given the opportunity to consider employment of non-related staff. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Requests up to 12 hours daily may be auth’d for the entire plan year.
2. Requests up to 16 hours daily may be auth’d for 6 months within the plan year.
3. Requests for more than 16 hours daily are auth’d for up to a 90-days within the plan year.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

1. For services provided in the home of a direct service employee, the Provider Agency, Employer of Record or Agency With Choice is required to complete the Health and Safety Checklist and Justification for Services form prior to the delivery of service in that home and every 6 months afterwards. The member or legally responsible person must sign this checklist.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Community Living and Supports is subject to the limitations on the sets of services.
2.    A member who receives Community Living and Supports may not receive Residential Supports or Supported Living at the same time.
3.    This service is not available at the same time of day as Community Networking, Day Supports, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Respite or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the person, such as Private Duty Nursing.
4.    Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered under the waiver and is the responsibility of the school system. (This service includes only transportation to/from the person’s home or any community location where the person is receiving services.) 
5.    Incidental housekeeping and meal preparation for other household members is not covered under the waiver. The paraprofessional is responsible for incidental housekeeping and meal preparation only for the member.
6.    Parents of minor children enrolled in the waiver may provide CLS services to their child who has been indicated as having extraordinary support needs.  Parents of minor children receiving CLS may provide this service (up to 40 hours and not exceeding 56 hours) to their child. Note: This does not apply to parents of minor children who are also the Employer of Record (EOR).
7.    CLS service providers may be a relative of an adult waiver member. Relatives as providers for adult waiver members may provide CLS service over 56 hours/week not exceeding 84 hours/week. 
8.    Family members living under the same roof as the waiver individual may provide CLS services. Objective written documentation is required as to why there are no other providers available to provide the services.  Family members who provide these services must meet the same standards as providers who are unrelated to the individual.
9.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
10.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions

Service Code
T2013 TF HQ GT – INN Community Living and Support, In- Home Component of CLS, EVV, Group, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (State-Funded) – YM851 (Individual)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement. No New Admissions.

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized service that enables individuals 3 years of age or older to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family or natural supports and be an active recipient of their community. A paraprofessional assists the individual to learn new skills and/or supports the individual in activities that are individualized and aligned with their preferences. Community Living and Support provides technical assistance to unpaid supports who live in the home of the individual to assist the individual to maintain the skills they have learned.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ TBI Assessment: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. PCP or ISP: Required, to include an expressed desire to obtain the service. 
5. Service Order: Required, signed by a QP, physician, licensed psychologist, PA, or NP
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ / TBI Assessment: Required
3. PCP or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service, to include an expressed desire to maintain the service.  If there is a need for increased service duration and frequency, clinical consideration must be given to other services with a more intense clinical component.
4. Evidence of IDD Eligibility: Meets IDD eligibility according to GS 122C-3 (12a), including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or a TBI dx per G.S. 122C-3(38a). 
5. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
6. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Initial & Reauth: Up to 28 hours (112 units) per week / 1456 hours (5824 units) per year
2. May not exceed 15 hours per week (60 units) when school is in session for individuals under 22 years of age who have not graduated, regardless of their enrollment status. 
3. Request length of stay can be for up to one calendar year or the end of the PCP (whichever comes first).

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: SNAP: Overall Level of Eligible Support of 3 or higher OR SIS: Level D or higher OR TBI Assessment requiring a moderate to high level of supervision and support in most settings.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. No New Admissions
2. May not be provided during the same auth period as Innovations Waiver services, (b)(3) day services, or Medicaid 1915i services or In Lieu of Services (ILOS) which include a meaningful day component. 
3. Must not be duplicative of other state funded services the individual is receiving. 
4. Those receiving CL&S may not receive any residential services or Supported Living Periodic.
5. Services may not be provided in the home of provider staff.

Service Code
YM851 – State-Funded Community Living and Support, Individual
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (State-Funded) – YM851 GT (Individual, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement. No New Admissions.

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized service that enables individuals 3 years of age or older to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family or natural supports and be an active recipient of their community. A paraprofessional assists the individual to learn new skills and/or supports the individual in activities that are individualized and aligned with their preferences. Community Living and Support provides technical assistance to unpaid supports who live in the home of the individual to assist the individual to maintain the skills they have learned.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ TBI Assessment: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. PCP or ISP: Required, to include an expressed desire to obtain the service. 
5. Service Order: Required, signed by a QP, physician, licensed psychologist, PA, or NP
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ / TBI Assessment: Required
3. PCP or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service, to include an expressed desire to maintain the service.  If there is a need for increased service duration and frequency, clinical consideration must be given to other services with a more intense clinical component.
4. Evidence of IDD Eligibility: Meets IDD eligibility according to GS 122C-3 (12a), including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or a TBI dx per G.S. 122C-3(38a). 
5. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
6. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Initial & Reauth: Up to 28 hours (112 units) per week / 1456 hours (5824 units) per year
2. May not exceed 15 hours per week (60 units) when school is in session for individuals under 22 years of age who have not graduated, regardless of their enrollment status. 
3. Request length of stay can be for up to one calendar year or the end of the PCP (whichever comes first).

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: SNAP: Overall Level of Eligible Support of 3 or higher OR SIS: Level D or higher OR TBI Assessment requiring a moderate to high level of supervision and support in most settings.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. No New Admissions
2. May not be provided during the same auth period as Innovations Waiver services, (b)(3) day services, or Medicaid 1915i services or In Lieu of Services (ILOS) which include a meaningful day component. 
3. Must not be duplicative of other state funded services the individual is receiving. 
4. Those receiving CL&S may not receive any residential services or Supported Living Periodic.
5. Services may not be provided in the home of provider staff.

Service Code
YM851 GT – State-Funded Community Living and Support, Individual, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (State-Funded) – YM852 (Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement. No New Admissions.

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized service that enables individuals 3 years of age or older to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family or natural supports and be an active recipient of their community. A paraprofessional assists the individual to learn new skills and/or supports the individual in activities that are individualized and aligned with their preferences. Community Living and Support provides technical assistance to unpaid supports who live in the home of the individual to assist the individual to maintain the skills they have learned.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ TBI Assessment: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. PCP or ISP: Required, to include an expressed desire to obtain the service. 
5. Service Order: Required, signed by a QP, physician, licensed psychologist, PA, or NP
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ / TBI Assessment: Required
3. PCP or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service, to include an expressed desire to maintain the service.  If there is a need for increased service duration and frequency, clinical consideration must be given to other services with a more intense clinical component.
4. Evidence of IDD Eligibility: Meets IDD eligibility according to GS 122C-3 (12a), including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or a TBI dx per G.S. 122C-3(38a). 
5. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
6. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Initial & Reauth: Up to 28 hours (112 units) per week / 1456 hours (5824 units) per year
2. May not exceed 15 hours per week (60 units) when school is in session for individuals under 22 years of age who have not graduated, regardless of their enrollment status. 
3. Request length of stay can be for up to one calendar year or the end of the PCP (whichever comes first).

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: SNAP: Overall Level of Eligible Support of 3 or higher OR SIS: Level D or higher OR TBI Assessment requiring a moderate to high level of supervision and support in most settings.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. No New Admissions
2. May not be provided during the same auth period as Innovations Waiver services, (b)(3) day services, or Medicaid 1915i services or In Lieu of Services (ILOS) which include a meaningful day component. 
3. Must not be duplicative of other state funded services the individual is receiving. 
4. Those receiving CL&S may not receive any residential services or Supported Living Periodic.
5. Services may not be provided in the home of provider staff.

Service Code
YM852 - Group
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Support (State-Funded) – YM852 GT (Group, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement. No New Admissions.

Brief Service Description: Community Living and Support is an individualized service that enables individuals 3 years of age or older to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family or natural supports and be an active recipient of their community. A paraprofessional assists the individual to learn new skills and/or supports the individual in activities that are individualized and aligned with their preferences. Community Living and Support provides technical assistance to unpaid supports who live in the home of the individual to assist the individual to maintain the skills they have learned.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ TBI Assessment: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. PCP or ISP: Required, to include an expressed desire to obtain the service. 
5. Service Order: Required, signed by a QP, physician, licensed psychologist, PA, or NP
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Required, submitted by a QP
2. NC SNAP/ SIS/ / TBI Assessment: Required
3. PCP or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service, to include an expressed desire to maintain the service.  If there is a need for increased service duration and frequency, clinical consideration must be given to other services with a more intense clinical component.
4. Evidence of IDD Eligibility: Meets IDD eligibility according to GS 122C-3 (12a), including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or a TBI dx per G.S. 122C-3(38a). 
5. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
6. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Initial & Reauth: Up to 28 hours (112 units) per week / 1456 hours (5824 units) per year
2. May not exceed 15 hours per week (60 units) when school is in session for individuals under 22 years of age who have not graduated, regardless of their enrollment status. 
3. Request length of stay can be for up to one calendar year or the end of the PCP (whichever comes first).

Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: SNAP: Overall Level of Eligible Support of 3 or higher OR SIS: Level D or higher OR TBI Assessment requiring a moderate to high level of supervision and support in most settings.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. No New Admissions
2. May not be provided during the same auth period as Innovations Waiver services, (b)(3) day services, or Medicaid 1915i services or In Lieu of Services (ILOS) which include a meaningful day component. 
3. Must not be duplicative of other state funded services the individual is receiving. 
4. Those receiving CL&S may not receive any residential services or Supported Living Periodic.
5. Services may not be provided in the home of provider staff.

Service Code
YM852 GT – State-Funded Community Living and Support, Group, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Supports (1915i MCD) – T2012 GC U4 (relative as provider lives in home, non-EVV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CL&S is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional assists the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the member’s preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the members’ opportunity to have full membership in their community. Community Living and Support enables the members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision and assistance to complete an activity to their level of independence. This service is available for members who meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from CL&S
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Evidence of IDD or TBI: Required, as defined by the CCP.
5. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
6. Service Order: Required, completed by QP, Licensed BH clinician, Licensed Psychologist, MD/ DO, NP, PA
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Reauthorization Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Updated Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. School-aged Members (through age 21 unless proof of graduation is provided): Up to 15 hours (60 units) a week when school is in session and up to 28 hours (112 units) a week when school is not in session 
2. Members aged 22 and up (or graduated, with proof of graduation): Up to 28 hours (or 112 units) a week
3. Proof of Graduation: includes graduation with a degree in a standard or occupational course of study, a GED, a Certificate of Completion, or proof of the exhaustion of their educational course of study)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes  
Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults
Level of Care: Members must meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria as defined by the CCP.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Relatives who live in the same home as a member who is under 18 years old may not provide CLS.
  • 1915(i) CLS and SE may not exceed a combined limit of 40 hrs per week.
  • Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered.
  • Individuals who are enrolled in the Innovations or TBI waiver are not eligible for 1915(i) services.
  • This service may not be provided during the same time as any other direct support Medicaid service.
  • Relatives who live in the same primary residence as beneficiary, who is over 18 years old, can provide Community Living and Supports if the relative meets the required staffing qualifications.


Service Code
T2012 GC U4 – 1915i Community Living and Supports- relative as provider lives in home, non-EVV
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Supports (1915i MCD) – T2012 HQ U4 (Community Component of CLS, Group, non-EVV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CL&S is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional assists the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the member’s preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the members’ opportunity to have full membership in their community. Community Living and Support enables the members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision and assistance to complete an activity to their level of independence. This service is available for members who meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from CL&S
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Evidence of IDD or TBI: Required, as defined by the CCP.
5. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
6. Service Order: Required, completed by QP, Licensed BH clinician, Licensed Psychologist, MD/ DO, NP, PA
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Reauthorization Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Updated Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. School-aged Members (through age 21 unless proof of graduation is provided): Up to 15 hours (60 units) a week when school is in session and up to 28 hours (112 units) a week when school is not in session 
2. Members aged 22 and up (or graduated, with proof of graduation): Up to 28 hours (or 112 units) a week
3. Proof of Graduation: includes graduation with a degree in a standard or occupational course of study, a GED, a Certificate of Completion, or proof of the exhaustion of their educational course of study)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes  
Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults
Level of Care: Members must meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria as defined by the CCP.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Relatives who live in the same home as a member who is under 18 years old may not provide CLS.
  • 1915(i) CLS and SE may not exceed a combined limit of 40 hrs per week.
  • Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered.
  • Individuals who are enrolled in the Innovations or TBI waiver are not eligible for 1915(i) services.
  • This service may not be provided during the same time as any other direct support Medicaid service.
  • Relatives who live in the same primary residence as beneficiary, who is over 18 years old, can provide Community Living and Supports if the relative meets the required staffing qualifications.


Service Code
T2012 HQ U4 – 1915i Community Living and Supports- Community Component of CLS, Group, non-EVV
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Supports (1915i MCD) – T2012 U4 (only in the community, non-EVV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CL&S is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional assists the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the member’s preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the members’ opportunity to have full membership in their community. Community Living and Support enables the members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision and assistance to complete an activity to their level of independence. This service is available for members who meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from CL&S
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Evidence of IDD or TBI: Required, as defined by the CCP.
5. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
6. Service Order: Required, completed by QP, Licensed BH clinician, Licensed Psychologist, MD/ DO, NP, PA
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Reauthorization Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Updated Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. School-aged Members (through age 21 unless proof of graduation is provided): Up to 15 hours (60 units) a week when school is in session and up to 28 hours (112 units) a week when school is not in session 
2. Members aged 22 and up (or graduated, with proof of graduation): Up to 28 hours (or 112 units) a week
3. Proof of Graduation: includes graduation with a degree in a standard or occupational course of study, a GED, a Certificate of Completion, or proof of the exhaustion of their educational course of study)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes  
Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults
Level of Care: Members must meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria as defined by the CCP.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Relatives who live in the same home as a member who is under 18 years old may not provide CLS.
  • 1915(i) CLS and SE may not exceed a combined limit of 40 hrs per week.
  • Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered.
  • Individuals who are enrolled in the Innovations or TBI waiver are not eligible for 1915(i) services.
  • This service may not be provided during the same time as any other direct support Medicaid service.
  • Relatives who live in the same primary residence as beneficiary, who is over 18 years old, can provide Community Living and Supports if the relative meets the required staffing qualifications.


Service Code
T2012 U4 – 1915i Community Living and Supports- Community Living and Supports, only in the community, non-EVV
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Supports (1915i MCD) – T2013 TF HQ U4 (subject to EVV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CL&S is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional assists the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the member’s preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the members’ opportunity to have full membership in their community. Community Living and Support enables the members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision and assistance to complete an activity to their level of independence. This service is available for members who meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from CL&S
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Evidence of IDD or TBI: Required, as defined by the CCP.
5. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
6. Service Order: Required, completed by QP, Licensed BH clinician, Licensed Psychologist, MD/ DO, NP, PA
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Reauthorization Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Updated Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. School-aged Members (through age 21 unless proof of graduation is provided): Up to 15 hours (60 units) a week when school is in session and up to 28 hours (112 units) a week when school is not in session 
2. Members aged 22 and up (or graduated, with proof of graduation): Up to 28 hours (or 112 units) a week
3. Proof of Graduation: includes graduation with a degree in a standard or occupational course of study, a GED, a Certificate of Completion, or proof of the exhaustion of their educational course of study)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes  
Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults
Level of Care: Members must meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria as defined by the CCP.


Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Relatives who live in the same home as a member who is under 18 years old may not provide CLS.
  • 1915(i) CLS and SE may not exceed a combined limit of 40 hrs per week.
  • Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered.
  • Individuals who are enrolled in the Innovations or TBI waiver are not eligible for 1915(i) services.
  • This service may not be provided during the same time as any other direct support Medicaid service.
  • Relatives who live in the same primary residence as beneficiary, who is over 18 years old, can provide Community Living and Supports if the relative meets the required staffing qualifications.


Service Code
T2013 TF HQ U4 – 1915i Community Living and Supports- subject to EVV
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living and Supports (1915i MCD) – T2013 TF U4 (Individual, subject to EVV)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CL&S is an individualized or group service that enables the member to live successfully in their own home, the home of their family, or natural supports and be an active member of their community. A paraprofessional assists the member to learn new skills and supports the member in activities that are individualized and aligned with the member’s preferences. The goal is to maximize self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the members’ opportunity to have full membership in their community. Community Living and Support enables the members to learn new skills, practice or improve existing skills, provide supervision and assistance to complete an activity to their level of independence. This service is available for members who meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from CL&S
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Evidence of IDD or TBI: Required, as defined by the CCP.
5. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
6. Service Order: Required, completed by QP, Licensed BH clinician, Licensed Psychologist, MD/ DO, NP, PA
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Reauthorization Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be by the TCM.
2. Updated Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
3. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. School-aged Members (through age 21 unless proof of graduation is provided): Up to 15 hours (60 units) a week when school is in session and up to 28 hours (112 units) a week when school is not in session 
2. Members aged 22 and up (or graduated, with proof of graduation): Up to 28 hours (or 112 units) a week
3. Proof of Graduation: includes graduation with a degree in a standard or occupational course of study, a GED, a Certificate of Completion, or proof of the exhaustion of their educational course of study)

Units: One unit = 15 minutes  
Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults
Level of Care: Members must meet the IDD or TBI eligibility criteria as defined by the CCP.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Relatives who live in the same home as a member who is under 18 years old may not provide CLS.
  • 1915(i) CLS and SE may not exceed a combined limit of 40 hrs per week.
  • Transportation to and from the school setting is not covered.
  • Individuals who are enrolled in the Innovations or TBI waiver are not eligible for 1915(i) services.
  • This service may not be provided during the same time as any other direct support Medicaid service.
  • Relatives who live in the same primary residence as beneficiary, who is over 18 years old, can provide Community Living and Supports if the relative meets the required staffing qualifications.


Service Code
T2013 TF U4 – 1915i Community Living and Supports- Individual, subject to EVV
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living Facilities and Support (MCD) – T2016 U5 U1 (Level 1)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CLFS is an innovative, community-based, comprehensive service for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. CLFS for individuals with intellectual disability is an alternative definition in lieu of ICF-IID under the Medicaid 1915(b) benefit. This service enables Trillium to provide comprehensive and individualized active treatment services to adults to maintain and promote their functional status and independence. This is also an alternative to home and community-based services waivers for individuals that potentially meet the ICF/IID level of care. Individuals who choose CLFS instead of placement in an ICF-IID including state institutions or because they do not have access to an Innovations Waiver slot, choose to live in their own homes or homes where they control their lease for the room in the home along with the choice of the agency or other people who support them.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Psychological Eval: Must meets ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
4. Complete PCP: Required
5. Service Order: Required, signed by MD/ DO, LP, NP, or PA
6. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
7. A progress summary, if currently receiving services.
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required, to ensure Level of Care eligibility.
3. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the member’s progress with the service
4. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
5. A progress summary with each 6-month request
6. Step Down/ Transition Plan:  If the recipient is functioning effectively with this service for 6 months or longer, a transition plan to assure that the person lives in the least restrictive environment is required.
7. Continues to meet ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Up to 180 calendar days for all requests.

1. One unit per day
2. Requests can be for up to 180 units per auth for Levels 2 through 5 and 125 units for Level 1.
3. Up to 366 units per year for Levels 2 through 5 and 250 units for Level 1.

Age Group: Adults (ages 22 and older) who are functionally eligible for, but not enrolled in, the NC Innovations 1915(c) waiver program.

Level of Care:
Level 1: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 2: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 3: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 4: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 5: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Admissions open to Tailored Plan Medicaid members; No New Admissions for Medicaid Direct members at this time
2. Members receiving CLFS are excluded from receiving any State Funded Services, Medicaid state plan personal care or other Medicaid benefits included in this bundled service.
3. CLFS does not include room and board payments.
4. An individualized Meaningful day schedule, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week is required.
5. An independent care coordinator to provide info about affordable housing, sources of financial support such as SSI, and oversight of their overall service needs is required.
6. Member must either stay in homes they own; their family owns or have a lease in the community.

Service Code
T2016 U5 U1-Level 1
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living Facilities and Support (MCD) – T2016 U5 U2 (Level 2)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CLFS is an innovative, community-based, comprehensive service for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. CLFS for individuals with intellectual disability is an alternative definition in lieu of ICF-IID under the Medicaid 1915(b) benefit. This service enables Trillium to provide comprehensive and individualized active treatment services to adults to maintain and promote their functional status and independence. This is also an alternative to home and community-based services waivers for individuals that potentially meet the ICF/IID level of care. Individuals who choose CLFS instead of placement in an ICF-IID including state institutions or because they do not have access to an Innovations Waiver slot, choose to live in their own homes or homes where they control their lease for the room in the home along with the choice of the agency or other people who support them.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Psychological Eval: Must meets ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
4. Complete PCP: Required
5. Service Order: Required, signed by MD/ DO, LP, NP, or PA
6. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
7. A progress summary, if currently receiving services.
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required, to ensure Level of Care eligibility.
3. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the member’s progress with the service
4. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
5. A progress summary with each 6-month request
6. Step Down/ Transition Plan:  If the recipient is functioning effectively with this service for 6 months or longer, a transition plan to assure that the person lives in the least restrictive environment is required.
7. Continues to meet ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Up to 180 calendar days for all requests.

1. One unit per day
2. Requests can be for up to 180 units per auth for Levels 2 through 5 and 125 units for Level 1.
3. Up to 366 units per year for Levels 2 through 5 and 250 units for Level 1.

Age Group: Adults (ages 22 and older) who are functionally eligible for, but not enrolled in, the NC Innovations 1915(c) waiver program.

Level of Care:
Level 1: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 2: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 3: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 4: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 5: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Admissions open to Tailored Plan Medicaid members; No New Admissions for Medicaid Direct members at this time
2. Members receiving CLFS are excluded from receiving any State Funded Services, Medicaid state plan personal care or other Medicaid benefits included in this bundled service.
3. CLFS does not include room and board payments.
4. An individualized Meaningful day schedule, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week is required.
5. An independent care coordinator to provide info about affordable housing, sources of financial support such as SSI, and oversight of their overall service needs is required.
6. Member must either stay in homes they own; their family owns or have a lease in the community.

Service Code
T2016 U5 U2-Level 2
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living Facilities and Support (MCD) – T2016 U5 U3 (Level 3)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CLFS is an innovative, community-based, comprehensive service for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. CLFS for individuals with intellectual disability is an alternative definition in lieu of ICF-IID under the Medicaid 1915(b) benefit. This service enables Trillium to provide comprehensive and individualized active treatment services to adults to maintain and promote their functional status and independence. This is also an alternative to home and community-based services waivers for individuals that potentially meet the ICF/IID level of care. Individuals who choose CLFS instead of placement in an ICF-IID including state institutions or because they do not have access to an Innovations Waiver slot, choose to live in their own homes or homes where they control their lease for the room in the home along with the choice of the agency or other people who support them.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Psychological Eval: Must meets ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
4. Complete PCP: Required
5. Service Order: Required, signed by MD/ DO, LP, NP, or PA
6. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
7. A progress summary, if currently receiving services.
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required, to ensure Level of Care eligibility.
3. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the member’s progress with the service
4. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
5. A progress summary with each 6-month request
6. Step Down/ Transition Plan:  If the recipient is functioning effectively with this service for 6 months or longer, a transition plan to assure that the person lives in the least restrictive environment is required.
7. Continues to meet ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Up to 180 calendar days for all requests.

1. One unit per day
2. Requests can be for up to 180 units per auth for Levels 2 through 5 and 125 units for Level 1.
3. Up to 366 units per year for Levels 2 through 5 and 250 units for Level 1.

Age Group: Adults (ages 22 and older) who are functionally eligible for, but not enrolled in, the NC Innovations 1915(c) waiver program.

Level of Care:
Level 1: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 2: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 3: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 4: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 5: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Admissions open to Tailored Plan Medicaid members; No New Admissions for Medicaid Direct members at this time
2. Members receiving CLFS are excluded from receiving any State Funded Services, Medicaid state plan personal care or other Medicaid benefits included in this bundled service.
3. CLFS does not include room and board payments.
4. An individualized Meaningful day schedule, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week is required.
5. An independent care coordinator to provide info about affordable housing, sources of financial support such as SSI, and oversight of their overall service needs is required.
6. Member must either stay in homes they own; their family owns or have a lease in the community.

Service Code
T2016 U5 U3-Level 3
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living Facilities and Support (MCD) – T2016 U5 U4 (Level 4)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CLFS is an innovative, community-based, comprehensive service for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. CLFS for individuals with intellectual disability is an alternative definition in lieu of ICF-IID under the Medicaid 1915(b) benefit. This service enables Trillium to provide comprehensive and individualized active treatment services to adults to maintain and promote their functional status and independence. This is also an alternative to home and community-based services waivers for individuals that potentially meet the ICF/IID level of care. Individuals who choose CLFS instead of placement in an ICF-IID including state institutions or because they do not have access to an Innovations Waiver slot, choose to live in their own homes or homes where they control their lease for the room in the home along with the choice of the agency or other people who support them.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Psychological Eval: Must meets ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
4. Complete PCP: Required
5. Service Order: Required, signed by MD/ DO, LP, NP, or PA
6. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
7. A progress summary, if currently receiving services.
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required, to ensure Level of Care eligibility.
3. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the member’s progress with the service
4. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
5. A progress summary with each 6-month request
6. Step Down/ Transition Plan:  If the recipient is functioning effectively with this service for 6 months or longer, a transition plan to assure that the person lives in the least restrictive environment is required.
7. Continues to meet ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Up to 180 calendar days for all requests.

1. One unit per day
2. Requests can be for up to 180 units per auth for Levels 2 through 5 and 125 units for Level 1.
3. Up to 366 units per year for Levels 2 through 5 and 250 units for Level 1.

Age Group: Adults (ages 22 and older) who are functionally eligible for, but not enrolled in, the NC Innovations 1915(c) waiver program.

Level of Care:
Level 1: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 2: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 3: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 4: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 5: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Admissions open to Tailored Plan Medicaid members; No New Admissions for Medicaid Direct members at this time
2. Members receiving CLFS are excluded from receiving any State Funded Services, Medicaid state plan personal care or other Medicaid benefits included in this bundled service.
3. CLFS does not include room and board payments.
4. An individualized Meaningful day schedule, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week is required.
5. An independent care coordinator to provide info about affordable housing, sources of financial support such as SSI, and oversight of their overall service needs is required.
6. Member must either stay in homes they own; their family owns or have a lease in the community.

Service Code
T2016 U5 U4-Level 4
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Living Facilities and Support (MCD) – T2016 U5 U6 (Level 5)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: CLFS is an innovative, community-based, comprehensive service for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. CLFS for individuals with intellectual disability is an alternative definition in lieu of ICF-IID under the Medicaid 1915(b) benefit. This service enables Trillium to provide comprehensive and individualized active treatment services to adults to maintain and promote their functional status and independence. This is also an alternative to home and community-based services waivers for individuals that potentially meet the ICF/IID level of care. Individuals who choose CLFS instead of placement in an ICF-IID including state institutions or because they do not have access to an Innovations Waiver slot, choose to live in their own homes or homes where they control their lease for the room in the home along with the choice of the agency or other people who support them.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required
3. Psychological Eval: Must meets ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
4. Complete PCP: Required
5. Service Order: Required, signed by MD/ DO, LP, NP, or PA
6. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
7. A progress summary, if currently receiving services.
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior approval required
2. NC SNAP or SIS: Required, to ensure Level of Care eligibility.
3. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the member’s progress with the service
4. Meaningful Day Schedule: Required, identifying the member’s chosen meaningful day activities, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week.
5. A progress summary with each 6-month request
6. Step Down/ Transition Plan:  If the recipient is functioning effectively with this service for 6 months or longer, a transition plan to assure that the person lives in the least restrictive environment is required.
7. Continues to meet ICF/IID criteria for IDD services, including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or TBI
8. Recipients must maintain position on the Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN) list.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Up to 180 calendar days for all requests.

1. One unit per day
2. Requests can be for up to 180 units per auth for Levels 2 through 5 and 125 units for Level 1.
3. Up to 366 units per year for Levels 2 through 5 and 250 units for Level 1.

Age Group: Adults (ages 22 and older) who are functionally eligible for, but not enrolled in, the NC Innovations 1915(c) waiver program.

Level of Care:
Level 1: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 2: A minimum NC SNAP score of 1 or a SIS Level of A through C
Level 3: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 4: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G
Level 5: A minimum NC SNAP score of 3 or a SIS Level of D through G

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Admissions open to Tailored Plan Medicaid members; No New Admissions for Medicaid Direct members at this time
2. Members receiving CLFS are excluded from receiving any State Funded Services, Medicaid state plan personal care or other Medicaid benefits included in this bundled service.
3. CLFS does not include room and board payments.
4. An individualized Meaningful day schedule, demonstrating distinction from the residential component of CLFS, and reflecting the minimum of 6 hours per day/5 days per week is required.
5. An independent care coordinator to provide info about affordable housing, sources of financial support such as SSI, and oversight of their overall service needs is required.
6. Member must either stay in homes they own; their family owns or have a lease in the community.

Service Code
T2016 U5 U6 – MCD Community Living Facilities and Support, Level 5
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Navigator (INN) – T2041

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: The purpose of Community Navigator Services is to promote self-determination, support the member in making life choices, provide advocacy and identify opportunities to become a part of their community. Community Navigator provides support to the member and planning teams in developing social networks and connections within local communities. Community Navigator Services emphasizes, promotes, and coordinates the use of generic resources to address the members needs in addition to paid services. Community Navigator provides an annual informational session on Self-Determination and Self Direction. The member and legally responsible person may choose to opt out of this annual informational session.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 1 month

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Community Navigation services are used to support members self-directing waiver services; therefore, it is only available for individuals participating in self-direction. Community Navigation service is only available if the member is self-directing one or more of their services through the Agency with Choice or Employer of Record Model.
2.    Community Navigator is mandatory for all Employers of Record until competence in directing service is demonstrated.
3.    This service does not duplicate Care Coordination. Care coordination under managed care includes the development of the ISP, completing or gathering evaluations inclusive of the re-evaluation of the level of care, monitoring the implementation of the ISP, choosing service providers, coordination of benefits and monitoring the health and safety of the member consistent with 42 CFR 438.208(c).
4.    The creation and the facilitation of the Individual Support Plan is the responsibility of the Care Coordinator. The Community Navigator can assist the member with preparing for the Individual Support Plan.
5.    If a provider does not provide Agency with Choice Services, the only other service that they may provide to the same member, in addition to Community Navigator Services, is Community Transition.
6.    An agency may provide both Community Navigator Services and Agency with Choice Services to the same individual, in addition to Community Transition, Financial Support Services, Individual Goods and Services, and Primary Crisis Response Services.
7.    The Community Navigator Self-Directed activities can only to be used to provide support to the individual under Individual and Family Directed Supports: Employer of Record and Agency with Choice Models, as approved in this Waiver.
8.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
9.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2041 - Community Navigator
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Navigator (INN) – T2041 GT (Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: The purpose of Community Navigator Services is to promote self-determination, support the member in making life choices, provide advocacy and identify opportunities to become a part of their community. Community Navigator provides support to the member and planning teams in developing social networks and connections within local communities. Community Navigator Services emphasizes, promotes, and coordinates the use of generic resources to address the members needs in addition to paid services. Community Navigator provides an annual informational session on Self-Determination and Self Direction. The member and legally responsible person may choose to opt out of this annual informational session.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 1 month

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Community Navigation services are used to support members self-directing waiver services; therefore, it is only available for individuals participating in self-direction. Community Navigation service is only available if the member is self-directing one or more of their services through the Agency with Choice or Employer of Record Model.
2.    Community Navigator is mandatory for all Employers of Record until competence in directing service is demonstrated.
3.    This service does not duplicate Care Coordination. Care coordination under managed care includes the development of the ISP, completing or gathering evaluations inclusive of the re-evaluation of the level of care, monitoring the implementation of the ISP, choosing service providers, coordination of benefits and monitoring the health and safety of the member consistent with 42 CFR 438.208(c).
4.    The creation and the facilitation of the Individual Support Plan is the responsibility of the Care Coordinator. The Community Navigator can assist the member with preparing for the Individual Support Plan.
5.    If a provider does not provide Agency with Choice Services, the only other service that they may provide to the same member, in addition to Community Navigator Services, is Community Transition.
6.    An agency may provide both Community Navigator Services and Agency with Choice Services to the same individual, in addition to Community Transition, Financial Support Services, Individual Goods and Services, and Primary Crisis Response Services.
7.    The Community Navigator Self-Directed activities can only to be used to provide support to the individual under Individual and Family Directed Supports: Employer of Record and Agency with Choice Models, as approved in this Waiver.
8.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
9.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2041 GT – INN Community Navigator, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Navigator (INN) – T2041 U1 (Training, Periodic)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: The purpose of Community Navigator Services is to promote self-determination, support the member in making life choices, provide advocacy and identify opportunities to become a part of their community. Community Navigator provides support to the member and planning teams in developing social networks and connections within local communities. Community Navigator Services emphasizes, promotes, and coordinates the use of generic resources to address the members needs in addition to paid services. Community Navigator provides an annual informational session on Self-Determination and Self Direction. The member and legally responsible person may choose to opt out of this annual informational session.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 1 month

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Community Navigation services are used to support members self-directing waiver services; therefore, it is only available for individuals participating in self-direction. Community Navigation service is only available if the member is self-directing one or more of their services through the Agency with Choice or Employer of Record Model.
2.    Community Navigator is mandatory for all Employers of Record until competence in directing service is demonstrated.
3.    This service does not duplicate Care Coordination. Care coordination under managed care includes the development of the ISP, completing or gathering evaluations inclusive of the re-evaluation of the level of care, monitoring the implementation of the ISP, choosing service providers, coordination of benefits and monitoring the health and safety of the member consistent with 42 CFR 438.208(c).
4.    The creation and the facilitation of the Individual Support Plan is the responsibility of the Care Coordinator. The Community Navigator can assist the member with preparing for the Individual Support Plan.
5.    If a provider does not provide Agency with Choice Services, the only other service that they may provide to the same member, in addition to Community Navigator Services, is Community Transition.
6.    An agency may provide both Community Navigator Services and Agency with Choice Services to the same individual, in addition to Community Transition, Financial Support Services, Individual Goods and Services, and Primary Crisis Response Services.
7.    The Community Navigator Self-Directed activities can only to be used to provide support to the individual under Individual and Family Directed Supports: Employer of Record and Agency with Choice Models, as approved in this Waiver.
8.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
9.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2041 U1 - Community Navigator Training (Periodic)
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Navigator (INN) – T2041 U1 GT (Training, Periodic, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: The purpose of Community Navigator Services is to promote self-determination, support the member in making life choices, provide advocacy and identify opportunities to become a part of their community. Community Navigator provides support to the member and planning teams in developing social networks and connections within local communities. Community Navigator Services emphasizes, promotes, and coordinates the use of generic resources to address the members needs in addition to paid services. Community Navigator provides an annual informational session on Self-Determination and Self Direction. The member and legally responsible person may choose to opt out of this annual informational session.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 1 month

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Community Navigation services are used to support members self-directing waiver services; therefore, it is only available for individuals participating in self-direction. Community Navigation service is only available if the member is self-directing one or more of their services through the Agency with Choice or Employer of Record Model.
2.    Community Navigator is mandatory for all Employers of Record until competence in directing service is demonstrated.
3.    This service does not duplicate Care Coordination. Care coordination under managed care includes the development of the ISP, completing or gathering evaluations inclusive of the re-evaluation of the level of care, monitoring the implementation of the ISP, choosing service providers, coordination of benefits and monitoring the health and safety of the member consistent with 42 CFR 438.208(c).
4.    The creation and the facilitation of the Individual Support Plan is the responsibility of the Care Coordinator. The Community Navigator can assist the member with preparing for the Individual Support Plan.
5.    If a provider does not provide Agency with Choice Services, the only other service that they may provide to the same member, in addition to Community Navigator Services, is Community Transition.
6.    An agency may provide both Community Navigator Services and Agency with Choice Services to the same individual, in addition to Community Transition, Financial Support Services, Individual Goods and Services, and Primary Crisis Response Services.
7.    The Community Navigator Self-Directed activities can only to be used to provide support to the individual under Individual and Family Directed Supports: Employer of Record and Agency with Choice Models, as approved in this Waiver.
8.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
9.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2041 U1 – INN Community Navigator, Training, Periodic, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 (Individual)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 - Community Networking Individual
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 GT (Individual, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 GT – INN Community Networking Service, Individual, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 HQ (Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 HQ– INN Community Networking Service, Group
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 HQ GT (Group, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 HQ– INN Community Networking Service, Group, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 U1 (Class or Conference)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 U1 - Community Networking Classes and Conference
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Networking Service (INN) – H2015 U2 (Transportation)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the member’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. If the member requires paid supports to participate / engage once connected with the activity, Community Networking can be used to refer and link the member. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the member to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community. As the member gains skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Units: One unit = 15 minutes

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Payment for attendance at classes and conferences cannot exceed $1,000/ per member plan year. The amount of community networking services is subject to the “Limits on Sets of Services.”
2.    This service is provided separate and apart from the member’s primary private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. These services do not take place in licensed facilities and are intended to offer the member the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals.
3.    Service does not cover the cost of hotels, meals, materials or transportation while attending conferences.
4.    Service does not cover activities that would normally be a component of a member’s home/residential life or services.
5.    Service does not pay day care fees or fees for other childcare related activities.
6.    The waiver member may not volunteer for the Community Networking service provider.
7.    Volunteering may not be done at locations that would not typically have volunteers (that is, hair salon or florist) or in positions that would be paid positions if performed by an individual that was not on the waiver.
8.    This service may not duplicate or be furnished/claimed at the same time of day as Day Supports, Community Living and Support, Residential Supports, Respite, Supported Employment or one of the State Plan Medicaid services that works directly with the member.
9.    For a member who is eligible for educational services under the Individuals With Disability Educational Act, Community Networking does not cover transportation to/from school settings. (Transportation to/from member’s home or any community location where the member may be receiving services before/after school is covered for this service.)
10.    This service does not pay for overnight programs of any kind. 
11.    Classes that offer one-to-one instruction are not covered.
12.    Classes that are in a nonintegrated community setting are not covered.
13.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
14.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2015 U2 - Community Networking Transportation
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (MCD) - H2015 HT HM (Paraprofessional)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a MH, SU, or co-morbid disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. Consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehab interventions intended to increase and restore a member’s ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves structured, face-to-face therapeutic interventions that assist in reestablishing the members community roles related to life domains..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable. For services lasting more than six months, a new CCA or an addendum must be completed.
2. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Transition/ Stepdown Plan: Encouraged
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units and Length of Stay: 
1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. It is expected that service intensity titrates down as the member demonstrates improvement.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. When helping a member transition to and from a service, CST services may be provided for a max of eight units for the first and last 30-day period for members transitioning to: ACTT, SAIOP, SACOT.
2. May not be provided in conjunction with ACTT or during the same episode period as any other State Plan service that contains duplicative service components. This includes PSS, as CCP 8G states that PSS must not be provided during the same auth period as CST, as a member who needs CST and peer support will be offered by peer support by the CST providers.

Service Code
H2015 HT HM – MCD Community Support Team, Paraprofessional
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (MCD) - H2015 HT HN (QP, AP)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a MH, SU, or co-morbid disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. Consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehab interventions intended to increase and restore a member’s ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves structured, face-to-face therapeutic interventions that assist in reestablishing the members community roles related to life domains..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable. For services lasting more than six months, a new CCA or an addendum must be completed.
2. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Transition/ Stepdown Plan: Encouraged
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units and Length of Stay: 
1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. It is expected that service intensity titrates down as the member demonstrates improvement.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. When helping a member transition to and from a service, CST services may be provided for a max of eight units for the first and last 30-day period for members transitioning to: ACTT, SAIOP, SACOT.
2. May not be provided in conjunction with ACTT or during the same episode period as any other State Plan service that contains duplicative service components. This includes PSS, as CCP 8G states that PSS must not be provided during the same auth period as CST, as a member who needs CST and peer support will be offered by peer support by the CST providers.

Service Code
H2015 HT HN – MCD Community Support Team, QP, AP
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (MCD) - H2015 HT U1 (NC Peer Support Specialist)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a MH, SU, or co-morbid disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. Consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehab interventions intended to increase and restore a member’s ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves structured, face-to-face therapeutic interventions that assist in reestablishing the members community roles related to life domains..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable. For services lasting more than six months, a new CCA or an addendum must be completed.
2. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Transition/ Stepdown Plan: Encouraged
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units and Length of Stay: 
1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. It is expected that service intensity titrates down as the member demonstrates improvement.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. When helping a member transition to and from a service, CST services may be provided for a max of eight units for the first and last 30-day period for members transitioning to: ACTT, SAIOP, SACOT.
2. May not be provided in conjunction with ACTT or during the same episode period as any other State Plan service that contains duplicative service components. This includes PSS, as CCP 8G states that PSS must not be provided during the same auth period as CST, as a member who needs CST and peer support will be offered by peer support by the CST providers.

Service Code
H2015 HT U1 – MCD Community Support Team, NC Peer Support Specialist
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (MCD) - H2015HT HF (LCAS, LCAS-A, CCS, CSAC)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a MH, SU, or co-morbid disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. Consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehab interventions intended to increase and restore a member’s ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves structured, face-to-face therapeutic interventions that assist in reestablishing the members community roles related to life domains..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable. For services lasting more than six months, a new CCA or an addendum must be completed.
2. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Transition/ Stepdown Plan: Encouraged
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units and Length of Stay: 
1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. It is expected that service intensity titrates down as the member demonstrates improvement.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. When helping a member transition to and from a service, CST services may be provided for a max of eight units for the first and last 30-day period for members transitioning to: ACTT, SAIOP, SACOT.
2. May not be provided in conjunction with ACTT or during the same episode period as any other State Plan service that contains duplicative service components. This includes PSS, as CCP 8G states that PSS must not be provided during the same auth period as CST, as a member who needs CST and peer support will be offered by peer support by the CST providers.

Service Code
H2015 HT HF – MCD Community Support Team, LCAS, LCAS-A, CCS, CSAC
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (MCD) – H2015 HT HO (Licensed Team Lead)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a MH, SU, or co-morbid disorder and who have complex and extensive treatment needs. Consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehab interventions intended to increase and restore a member’s ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves structured, face-to-face therapeutic interventions that assist in reestablishing the members community roles related to life domains..

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Maintained in the Record (not all inclusive): 
1. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable. For services lasting more than six months, a new CCA or an addendum must be completed.
2. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
3. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
4. Transition/ Stepdown Plan: Encouraged
5. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

All services are subject to post-payment review.

Authorization Parameters
Units and Length of Stay: 
1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. It is expected that service intensity titrates down as the member demonstrates improvement.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. When helping a member transition to and from a service, CST services may be provided for a max of eight units for the first and last 30-day period for members transitioning to: ACTT, SAIOP, SACOT.
2. May not be provided in conjunction with ACTT or during the same episode period as any other State Plan service that contains duplicative service components. This includes PSS, as CCP 8G states that PSS must not be provided during the same auth period as CST, as a member who needs CST and peer support will be offered by peer support by the CST providers.

Service Code
H2015 HT HO – MCD Community Support Team, Licensed Team Lead
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (State-Funded) – H2015 HT HF (LCAS, LCAS-A, CCS, CSAC)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a dx of MH, SU, or comorbid disorder and who have complex and extensive tx needs. This is an intensive community-based rehab team service that provides direct tx and restorative interventions as well as case management.  This service consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehabilitative interventions intended to increase and restore a individuals ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves assistance in re-est. the individuals community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, behavioral, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan.
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to a 60-day auth period per request.
2. No more than 3 months in a rolling year will be authorized.

1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. Up to 128 units for 60 calendar days. For those searching for stable housing and requiring permanent supportive housing interventions, up to 420 units for the initial authorization period. These additional units have a 3-month max limit per rolling year.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CST must not be provided in conjunction with ACT; during the same auth period as any other service that contains duplicative service components (to include TMS or PSS); to individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), and; Family individuals or LRPs of the individual may not provide this service.  
2. To help w/ transition, CST services may be provided for a max of 8 units for the first and last 30-day period for individuals who transitioning to or from: ACTT, SAIOP or SACOT.

Service Code
H2015 HT HF – State-Funded Community Support Team, LCAS, LCAS-A, CCS, CSAC
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (State-Funded) – H2015 HT HM (Paraprofessional)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a dx of MH, SU, or comorbid disorder and who have complex and extensive tx needs. This is an intensive community-based rehab team service that provides direct tx and restorative interventions as well as case management.  This service consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehabilitative interventions intended to increase and restore a individuals ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves assistance in re-est. the individuals community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, behavioral, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan.
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to a 60-day auth period per request.
2. No more than 3 months in a rolling year will be authorized.

1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. Up to 128 units for 60 calendar days. For those searching for stable housing and requiring permanent supportive housing interventions, up to 420 units for the initial authorization period. These additional units have a 3-month max limit per rolling year.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CST must not be provided in conjunction with ACT; during the same auth period as any other service that contains duplicative service components (to include TMS or PSS); to individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), and; Family individuals or LRPs of the individual may not provide this service.  
2. To help w/ transition, CST services may be provided for a max of 8 units for the first and last 30-day period for individuals who transitioning to or from: ACTT, SAIOP or SACOT.

Service Code
H2015 HT HM – State-Funded Community Support Team, Paraprofessional
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (State-Funded) – H2015 HT HN (QP, AP)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a dx of MH, SU, or comorbid disorder and who have complex and extensive tx needs. This is an intensive community-based rehab team service that provides direct tx and restorative interventions as well as case management.  This service consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehabilitative interventions intended to increase and restore a individuals ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves assistance in re-est. the individuals community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, behavioral, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan.
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to a 60-day auth period per request.
2. No more than 3 months in a rolling year will be authorized.

1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. Up to 128 units for 60 calendar days. For those searching for stable housing and requiring permanent supportive housing interventions, up to 420 units for the initial authorization period. These additional units have a 3-month max limit per rolling year.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CST must not be provided in conjunction with ACT; during the same auth period as any other service that contains duplicative service components (to include TMS or PSS); to individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), and; Family individuals or LRPs of the individual may not provide this service.  
2. To help w/ transition, CST services may be provided for a max of 8 units for the first and last 30-day period for individuals who transitioning to or from: ACTT, SAIOP or SACOT.

Service Code
H2015 HT HN – State-Funded Community Support Team, QP, AP
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (State-Funded) – H2015 HT HO (Licensed Team Lead)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a dx of MH, SU, or comorbid disorder and who have complex and extensive tx needs. This is an intensive community-based rehab team service that provides direct tx and restorative interventions as well as case management.  This service consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehabilitative interventions intended to increase and restore a individuals ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves assistance in re-est. the individuals community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, behavioral, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan.
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to a 60-day auth period per request.
2. No more than 3 months in a rolling year will be authorized.

1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. Up to 128 units for 60 calendar days. For those searching for stable housing and requiring permanent supportive housing interventions, up to 420 units for the initial authorization period. These additional units have a 3-month max limit per rolling year.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CST must not be provided in conjunction with ACT; during the same auth period as any other service that contains duplicative service components (to include TMS or PSS); to individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), and; Family individuals or LRPs of the individual may not provide this service.  
2. To help w/ transition, CST services may be provided for a max of 8 units for the first and last 30-day period for individuals who transitioning to or from: ACTT, SAIOP or SACOT.

Service Code
H2015 HT HO – State-Funded Community Support Team, Licensed Team Lead
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Support Team (State-Funded) – H2015 HT U1 (NC Peer Support Specialist)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Provides direct support to adults with a dx of MH, SU, or comorbid disorder and who have complex and extensive tx needs. This is an intensive community-based rehab team service that provides direct tx and restorative interventions as well as case management.  This service consists of community-based MH and SU services, and structured rehabilitative interventions intended to increase and restore a individuals ability to live successfully in the community. The team approach involves assistance in re-est. the individuals community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, behavioral, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization is required
2. CCA: Required, to include an ASAM Score supported with detailed clinical documentation on each of the six ASAM dimensions if applicable.
3. Complete PCP: Required, to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan
4. Service Order: Required, signed by an MD/ DO, NP, PA, or a Licensed Psychologist.
5. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: prior authorization required
2. Complete PCP: recently reviewed detailing the individual’s progress with the service to include all required signatures and the 3-page crisis plan.
3. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status. 
4. Submission of applicable records that support the individual has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Up to a 60-day auth period per request.
2. No more than 3 months in a rolling year will be authorized.

1. One unit = 15 minutes
2. Up to 128 units for 60 calendar days. For those searching for stable housing and requiring permanent supportive housing interventions, up to 420 units for the initial authorization period. These additional units have a 3-month max limit per rolling year.

Age Group: Adults (age 18 and older)

Level of Care: ASAM Level 1 (if applicable). While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. CST must not be provided in conjunction with ACT; during the same auth period as any other service that contains duplicative service components (to include TMS or PSS); to individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), and; Family individuals or LRPs of the individual may not provide this service.  
2. To help w/ transition, CST services may be provided for a max of 8 units for the first and last 30-day period for individuals who transitioning to or from: ACTT, SAIOP or SACOT.

Service Code
H2015 HT U1 – State-Funded Community Support Team, NC Peer Support Specialist
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Transition (1915i MCD) – H0043 U4

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Community Transition provides funding for a one-time initial setup of expenses for a member transitioning from an institutional or other approved setting, into their own private residence where the member is responsible for their own living expenses. Community Transition can support a member being diverted from entry into ACHs or any institutional level of care due to preadmission, screening, and diversion efforts, provided that the member is moving to a living arrangement where they are directly responsible for their own living expenses.

Auth Submission Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. Prior approval required. The request must be submitted by TCM.
2. Independent Assessment: Required, completed by a TCM or the CIHA for Tribal members that indicates the Member would benefit from Community Transition
3. Independent Evaluation: Required, completed by DHB/ Carelon to determine eligibility for 1915(i) 
4. Care Plan/ ISP: Must include the information/ requirements detailed in the TCM Provider Manual and federal PCP requirements (see PCP section above).
5. Community Transition Checklist: Required
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria
Reauthorization Requests: Not Applicable

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: Available up to 3 months in advance of a member’s move to an integrated living arrangement, and up to 90 consecutive days post move in date 
Units: One unit per episode  
Age Group: Adolescents & Adults (18 years of age and older)
Level of Care: A primary diagnosis of IDD, TBI, SMI, SPMI, or severe SUD as defined by the CCP is required.
1. Providers (non-TCMs/care coordinators) will be responsible for providing Community Transition services.
2. The TCM/care coordinator and the provider must work together to identify the Community Transition needs of the individuals
3. The TCM/care coordinator completes the care plan/ISP which indicates the request for Community Transition
4. The tx team then reviews the hours needed to support the individual to access Community Transition
5. The tx team works with the TCM/care coordinator to update the care plan/goals to address specific hours needed through the Community Living Supports service to support the individual.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 

  • Community Transition has a limit of $5,000 per individual during the five-year period.
  • Community Transition only covers the actual items purchased, not the time spent assisting the member to purchase them. Providers currently providing a community-based service like CST or ACT to a SMI/SUD members can bill the time spent helping members purchase these items.
  • An institutional or other approved setting can include a state developmental center, community Intermediate Care Facility, nursing facility, licensed group home, Alternative Family Living (AFL), foster home, adult care home, State Operated Healthcare Facility, or a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF).
  • May be provided only in a private home or apartment with a lease in the individual’s/ legal guardian’s/ representative’s name or a home owned by the individual.
  • May not be provided by family members.
  • Services cannot duplicate items that are currently available from a roommate.
  • Furnished only to the extent that the member is unable to meet such expense, or when the support cannot be obtained from other sources or services.
  • May not be provided to members enrolled in the CAP/C or CAP/DA wavier.
  • May not be provided to a member residing in an Institution for Mental Disease (IMD) regardless of the facility type.
  • Medicaid will not cover: 1) Monthly rental or mortgage expenses; 2) Repairs to a property; 3) Regular or recurring utility bills or fees associated with lawn care, property facilities, homeowners’ associations, or recurring pest eradication; 4) Household appliances (exception: a microwave); 5) Recreational items such as televisions, gaming systems, cell phones, CD or DVD players and components; 6) Food or groceries; 7) Care management services or activities, and; 8) Maintenance contracts and extended warranties
Service Code
H0043 U4 – 1915i Community Transition
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Community Transition (INN) – T2038

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: The purpose of Community Transition is to provide initial set-up expenses for adults to facilitate their transition from a Developmental Center (institution), community ICF-IID Group Home, nursing facility or another licensed living arrangement (group home, foster home, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility, alternative family living arrangement), a family home or one person AFL(Alternative Family Living) to a living arrangement where the individual is directly responsible for his or her own living expenses. This service may be provided only in a private home or apartment with a lease in the member’s, legal guardian’s, representative’s name or a home owned by the member.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Community Transition Checklist
7. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
These services are available only during the three-month period that commences one calendar month in advance of the member’s move to an integrated living arrangement.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The cost of Community Transition has a life of the waiver limit of $5,000.00 per member. Community Transition includes the actual cost of services and does not cover provider overhead charges.
2.    Community Transition does not cover monthly rental or mortgage expense; regular utility charges; and/or household appliances or diversional/recreational items such as televisions, streaming devices, VCR players and components and DVD players and components. Service and maintenance contracts and extended warranties are not covered. 
3.    Community Transition services can be accessed only one time from either the 1915b or 1915c waiver over the life of the waiver.
4.    In situations when a member lives with a roommate, Community Transition cannot duplicate items that are currently available.
5.    Community Transition expenses are furnished only to the extent that the member is unable to meet such expense or when the support cannot be obtained from other sources.
6.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
7.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Crisis Consultation (INN) – T2025 U3

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Crisis consultation is for individuals that have significant, intensive, or challenging behaviors or medical conditions that have resulted or have the potential to result in a crisis. Consultation is provided by staff that meets the minimum staffing requirements of a Qualified Professional and who have crisis experience.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Following service auth, any needed modifications to the ISP and individual budget will occur within five working days of the date of verbal service authorization.
2. Out-of-Home Crisis services are authorized in increments of up to 30 calendar days.
3. Crisis Intervention & Stabilization Supports may be authorized for periods of up to 14 calendar day increments per event.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    This service may not duplicate services provided under Specialized Consultation Services.
2.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
3.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2025 U3
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Crisis Consultation (INN) – T2025 U3 GT (Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Crisis consultation is for individuals that have significant, intensive, or challenging behaviors or medical conditions that have resulted or have the potential to result in a crisis. Consultation is provided by staff that meets the minimum staffing requirements of a Qualified Professional and who have crisis experience.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Following service auth, any needed modifications to the ISP and individual budget will occur within five working days of the date of verbal service authorization.
2. Out-of-Home Crisis services are authorized in increments of up to 30 calendar days.
3. Crisis Intervention & Stabilization Supports may be authorized for periods of up to 14 calendar day increments per event.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    This service may not duplicate services provided under Specialized Consultation Services.
2.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
3.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2025 U3 GT – INN Crisis Consultation, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Crisis Intervention and Stabilization Supports (INN) - H2011 U1

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Crisis Supports provide intervention and stabilization for a member experiencing a crisis. Crisis Supports are for a member who experiences acute crises and who presents a threat to the member’s health and safety or the health and safety of others. These behaviors may result in the member losing his or her home, job, or access to activities and community involvement. Crisis Supports promote prevention of crises as well as assistance in stabilizing the member when a behavioral crisis occurs. Crisis Supports are an immediate intervention available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, to support the individual.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Following service auth, any needed modifications to the ISP and individual budget will occur within five working days of the date of verbal service authorization.
2. Out-of-Home Crisis services are authorized in increments of up to 30 calendar days.
3. Crisis Intervention & Stabilization Supports may be authorized for periods of up to 14 calendar day increments per event.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    This service may not duplicate services provided under Specialized Consultation Services.
2.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
3.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
H2011 U1
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (INN) – T2021

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group, facility-based service that helps the member with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the individual to attain or maintain his/her maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the person’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Day Supports is billed in 1-hour unit increments.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Day Supports is subject to the Limits on Sets of services.
2.    For individuals who are eligible for educational services under the Individuals with Disability Educational Act, Day Supports is the payer of last resort for Developmental Day.
3.    Day Supports are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or residential setting where the member resides.
4.    Transportation to/from the member’s home, the day supports facility and travel within the community is included in the payment rate. Transportation to and from the licensed day program is the responsibility of the Day Supports provider.
5.    This service may not duplicate services, nor can they be furnished or billed at the same time of day as services, provided under Community Networking, In-Home Intensive Supports, Community Living and Supports, Supported Living, Residential Supports, Supported Employment and/or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the member.
6.    Waiver funding is not available for vocational services delivered in facility based, sheltered work settings, or Adult Developmental Vocational Program.
7.    Individuals are provided opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life and control personal resources.
8.    Each individual’s rights of privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint are protected.
9.    Settings optimize, but do not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices.
10.    Settings facilitate individual choice regarding services and support, and who provides these.
11.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
12.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2021 - Day Supports Individual
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (INN) – T2021 GT (Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group, facility-based service that helps the member with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the individual to attain or maintain his/her maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the person’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Day Supports is billed in 1-hour unit increments.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Day Supports is subject to the Limits on Sets of services.
2.    For individuals who are eligible for educational services under the Individuals with Disability Educational Act, Day Supports is the payer of last resort for Developmental Day.
3.    Day Supports are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or residential setting where the member resides.
4.    Transportation to/from the member’s home, the day supports facility and travel within the community is included in the payment rate. Transportation to and from the licensed day program is the responsibility of the Day Supports provider.
5.    This service may not duplicate services, nor can they be furnished or billed at the same time of day as services, provided under Community Networking, In-Home Intensive Supports, Community Living and Supports, Supported Living, Residential Supports, Supported Employment and/or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the member.
6.    Waiver funding is not available for vocational services delivered in facility based, sheltered work settings, or Adult Developmental Vocational Program.
7.    Individuals are provided opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life and control personal resources.
8.    Each individual’s rights of privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint are protected.
9.    Settings optimize, but do not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices.
10.    Settings facilitate individual choice regarding services and support, and who provides these.
11.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
12.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2021 GT – INN Day Supports, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (INN) – T2021 HQ (Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group, facility-based service that helps the member with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the individual to attain or maintain his/her maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the person’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Day Supports is billed in 1-hour unit increments.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Day Supports is subject to the Limits on Sets of services.
2.    For individuals who are eligible for educational services under the Individuals with Disability Educational Act, Day Supports is the payer of last resort for Developmental Day.
3.    Day Supports are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or residential setting where the member resides.
4.    Transportation to/from the member’s home, the day supports facility and travel within the community is included in the payment rate. Transportation to and from the licensed day program is the responsibility of the Day Supports provider.
5.    This service may not duplicate services, nor can they be furnished or billed at the same time of day as services, provided under Community Networking, In-Home Intensive Supports, Community Living and Supports, Supported Living, Residential Supports, Supported Employment and/or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the member.
6.    Waiver funding is not available for vocational services delivered in facility based, sheltered work settings, or Adult Developmental Vocational Program.
7.    Individuals are provided opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life and control personal resources.
8.    Each individual’s rights of privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint are protected.
9.    Settings optimize, but do not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices.
10.    Settings facilitate individual choice regarding services and support, and who provides these.
11.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
12.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2021 HQ – Days Supports Group
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (INN) – T2021 HQ GT (Group, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Note: Requesting the core service automatically includes the use of the telehealth (GT) code when approved.  A separate request is not needed, and the GT service code should not be requested separate from the non-telehealth service code.  

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group, facility-based service that helps the member with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the individual to attain or maintain his/her maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the person’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Day Supports is billed in 1-hour unit increments.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Day Supports is subject to the Limits on Sets of services.
2.    For individuals who are eligible for educational services under the Individuals with Disability Educational Act, Day Supports is the payer of last resort for Developmental Day.
3.    Day Supports are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or residential setting where the member resides.
4.    Transportation to/from the member’s home, the day supports facility and travel within the community is included in the payment rate. Transportation to and from the licensed day program is the responsibility of the Day Supports provider.
5.    This service may not duplicate services, nor can they be furnished or billed at the same time of day as services, provided under Community Networking, In-Home Intensive Supports, Community Living and Supports, Supported Living, Residential Supports, Supported Employment and/or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the member.
6.    Waiver funding is not available for vocational services delivered in facility based, sheltered work settings, or Adult Developmental Vocational Program.
7.    Individuals are provided opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life and control personal resources.
8.    Each individual’s rights of privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint are protected.
9.    Settings optimize, but do not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices.
10.    Settings facilitate individual choice regarding services and support, and who provides these.
11.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
12.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2021 HQ GT – INN Day Supports, Group, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (INN) – T2027 (Developmental Day)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group, facility-based service that helps the member with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the individual to attain or maintain his/her maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the person’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Risk/Support Needs Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
1. Day Supports is billed in 1-hour unit increments.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    The amount of Day Supports is subject to the Limits on Sets of services.
2.    For individuals who are eligible for educational services under the Individuals with Disability Educational Act, Day Supports is the payer of last resort for Developmental Day.
3.    Day Supports are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or residential setting where the member resides.
4.    Transportation to/from the member’s home, the day supports facility and travel within the community is included in the payment rate. Transportation to and from the licensed day program is the responsibility of the Day Supports provider.
5.    This service may not duplicate services, nor can they be furnished or billed at the same time of day as services, provided under Community Networking, In-Home Intensive Supports, Community Living and Supports, Supported Living, Residential Supports, Supported Employment and/or one of the State Plan Medicaid Services that works directly with the member.
6.    Waiver funding is not available for vocational services delivered in facility based, sheltered work settings, or Adult Developmental Vocational Program.
7.    Individuals are provided opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life and control personal resources.
8.    Each individual’s rights of privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint are protected.
9.    Settings optimize, but do not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices.
10.    Settings facilitate individual choice regarding services and support, and who provides these.
11.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
12.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2027 - Day Supports Developmental Day
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Day Supports (State-Funded) – YM590 (Group)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: Day Supports is a group service that provides assistance to recipients with acquisition, retention, or improvement in socialization and daily living skills and is one option for a meaningful day. This service has historically been a facility-based service. However, person centered practices should be utilized to determine the appropriate amount of time to be spent on site, verses out in the community. Day Supports emphasizes inclusion and independence with a focus on enabling the recipient to attain or maintain maximum self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and enhance the recipient’s opportunity to have a meaningful day.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Initial Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization required
2. NC SNAP/ SIS: Required
3. Assessment: Psychological, neuropsych, or psychiatric assessment w/ the appropriate testing using validated tools showing the recipient has a developmental disability according to GS 122C-3 (12a) or TBI as defined in G.S. 122-C- 3(38a), including evidence of an IDD diagnosis prior to the age of 22.  For those w/ DD but no intellectual disability, a physician assessment w/ a definitive dx and assoc, functional limitations is acceptable.
4. PCP or ISP: Required, w/ an expressed desire to obtain this service. Prevoc interventions must have employment-related goal.
5. Service Order: Required, signed by a QP, physician, licensed psychologist, PA, or NP
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Reauthorization Requests:
1. TAR: Prior authorization required
2. NC SNAP/ SIS: Required
3. Service Order: Required, valid for one calendar year based on date of original PCP/ISP service order.
4. PCP or ISP: recently reviewed detailing the recipient’s progress with the service.  If there is a need for increased service duration and frequency, clinical consideration must be given to other services with a more intense clinical component. Require an expressed desire to obtain or maintain this service. Prevocational interventions must have employment-related goal.
5. Evidence of IDD Eligibility: Meets IDD eligibility according to GS 122C-3 (12a), including evidence of an IDD dx before age of 22 or a TBI dx per G.S. 122C-3(38a).
6. Medicaid Application: Required w/in the 30 days of authorization.  Evidence of individual applying for Medicaid or update on application status.
7. Submission of all records that support the recipient has met the medical necessity criteria.

Authorization Parameters
Length of Stay: 
1. Initial & Reauth: Up to 30 hours (120 units) per week / 1560 hours (6240 units) per year
2. Max of 3 hrs/day (12 units) on school days for recipients 16 – 22 years of age who have not graduated from school, regardless of their enrollment status.

Units: One unit = 15 minutes
Age Group: Adolescents & Adults (age 16 or older)

Level of Care: SNAP: Overall Level of Eligible Support of 2 or higher OR SIS: Level C or higher OR TBI Assessment requiring minimum to low level of supervision and support in most settings.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. May not be provided to HCBS Waiver recipients or individuals receiving I/DD or TBI related (b)(3) meaningful day services (i.e., Individual Supports, Innovations look-alike services) or Medicaid In Lieu of Services (ILOS) with meaningful day component. 
2. Must not be duplicative of other state funded services
3. May not be provided in a residential setting. 
4. Payment does not include payments made directly to recipients of the individual’s immediate family.
5. CLS and ADVP can be auth’d at the same time as this service, but they cannot be provided at the same time of day.

Service Code
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
16 and Older
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing (MCD) – 96110 (Limited)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a member’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the member, give the member a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.

Service Code
96110 – MCD Developmental Testing - Limited
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing (MCD) – 96110 GT (Limited, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a member’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the member, give the member a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.

Service Code
96110 – MCD Developmental Testing – Limited, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing (State-Funded) – 96110 (Limited)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a recipient’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the recipient, give the recipient a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests: TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior authorization if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of 96110: Developmental Testing - Limited.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Funding will not cover Outpatient Behavioral Health Services when the service duplicates another service approved with another provider.
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the recipient is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96110 – SF Developmental Testing– Limited
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing (State-Funded) – 96110 GT (Limited, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a recipient’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the recipient, give the recipient a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests: TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior authorization if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of 96110: Developmental Testing - Limited.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Funding will not cover Outpatient Behavioral Health Services when the service duplicates another service approved with another provider.
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the recipient is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96110 GT – SF Developmental Testing– Limited, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing Administrative (MCD) – 96112 (First Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a member’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the member, give the member a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.

Service Code
96112 – MCD Developmental Testing Administrative – First Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing Administrative (MCD) – 96113 (Each Add’l 30 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a member’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the member, give the member a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.

Service Code
96113 – MCD Developmental Testing Administrative - Each Add’l 30 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing Administrative (State-Funded) – 96112 (First Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a recipient’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the recipient, give the recipient a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests: TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior authorization if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of 96110: Developmental Testing - Limited.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Funding will not cover Outpatient Behavioral Health Services when the service duplicates another service approved with another provider.
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the recipient is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96112 - Administration of Developmental Test, First Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Developmental Testing Administrative (State-Funded) – 96113 (Each Add’l 30 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: An in-depth look at a recipient’s development, usually done by a trained specialist, such as a developmental pediatrician, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or other specialist. The specialist may observe the recipient, give the recipient a structured test, ask the guardian questions, or ask them to fill out questionnaires.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests: TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior authorization if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of 96110: Developmental Testing - Limited.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Funding will not cover Outpatient Behavioral Health Services when the service duplicates another service approved with another provider.
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the recipient is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96113 – SF Developmental Testing Administrative – Each Add’l 30 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Employer Supplies (INN) – T2025 U2

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Financial Support Services (FSS) is an umbrella service for the continuum of supports offered to NC Innovations individuals who elect the Individual and Family Directed Services Option, Employer of Record Model. Financial Support Services are provided to ensure that funds for self-directed services are managed and distributed as intended. The service also facilitates the employment of support staff by the Employer. A member who chooses to self-direct via the Employer of Record model may require equipment necessary to carry out duties of Employer of Record and may access this service.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
1. TAR: Prior approval is required for each plan year. 
2. SIS
3. Individual Budget
4. Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
5. ISP: to include a) the service/ support, b) projected frequency, c) provider, d) required signatures. See CCP 8P, section 5.3, for all general ISP requirements.
6. Submission of applicable records that support the member has met the medical necessity criteria.

Service Specifics, Limitations & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1.    Items not coverable by Employer Supplies (this is not an all-inclusive list): a) Wireless keyboards; b) Mouse (unless the EOR is purchasing a desktop and the desktop does not include a mouse); c) Computer Protective Cases (outside of one laptop bag for EORs who utilize a laptop); d) Additional Computer Screens (a desktop computer should include one monitor); e) IT help desk service for support to operate the equipment; f) Office/Desk Chair.
2.    The provider of financial support services may only additionally provide Community Navigator services. The financial support service may bill for the following services: community transition services, and individual goods and services under the NC Innovations waiver.
3.    The financial supports agency may be an Agency with Choice and provide Community Navigator. They may bill for community transition and individual goods and services to the same member. Community Transition Services and Individual Goods and Services are not directly provided by the FMS. 
4.    Exclusions, limitations & exceptions detailed in the Eligibility Requirements, Terms of Service, Limits on Sets of Services, General Limitations on Coverage, Relative as Provider, Individual and Family Directed Services, and Claims sections of this Benefit Plan apply.
5.    See the CCP for all applicable exclusions, limitations & exceptions.

Service Code
T2025 U2
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99202 (Expanded, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99202 - E & M Expanded, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99202 GT (Expanded, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99202 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Expanded, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99203 (Detailed, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99203 - E & M Detailed, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99203 (Detailed, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99203 – MCD Evaluation & Management - Detailed, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99204 (Moderate, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99204 - E & M Moderate, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99204 GT (Moderate, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99204 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Moderate, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99205 (High, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99205 - E & M High, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99205 GT (High, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99205 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - High, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99211 (Minimum, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99211 - E&M Minimum, Estab Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99211 GT (Minimum, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99211 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Minimum, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99212 (Expanded, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99212 - E & M Expanded, Estab Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99212 GT (Expanded, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99212 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Expanded, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99213 (Detailed, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99213 - E & M Detailed, Estab Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99213 GT (Detailed, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99213 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Detailed, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99214 (Moderate, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99214 - E & M Moderate, Estab Patient
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99214 GT (Moderate, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99214 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - Moderate, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99215 (High, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99215 - E & M High Estab Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99215 GT (High, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99215 GT – MCD Evaluation & Management - High, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99315 (Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - 30 minutes or less)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99315 - nursing facility discharge day management; 30 minutes or less
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99316 (Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - more than 30 minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99316 - nursing facility discharge day management; 30 minutes or less more than 30
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99341 (New Patient Home Visit, 15 - 29 minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99341 - home visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99342 (New Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99342 - home visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99344 (New Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99344 - home visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99345 (New Patient Home Visit, 75 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99345 - home visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires
Diagnosis Group
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99347 (Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99347 - home visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99347 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99347 GT – Medicaid Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99348 (Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99348 - home visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99348 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99348 GT – Medicaid Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99349 (Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99349 - home visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99349 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99349 GT – Medicaid Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99350 (Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99350 - home visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (Medicaid) – 99350 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist/ MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99350 GT – Medicaid Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99202 (Expanded, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99202 – SF Evaluation & Management - Expanded, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99202 GT (Expanded, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99202 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Expanded, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99203 (Detailed, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99203 – SF Evaluation & Management - Detailed, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99203 GT (Detailed, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99203 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Detailed, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99204 (Moderate, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99204 – SF Evaluation & Management - Moderate, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99204 GT (Moderate, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99204 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Moderate, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99205 (High, New Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99205 – State-Funded Evaluation & Management - High, New Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99205 GT (High, New Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99205 GT – State-Funded Evaluation & Management - High, New Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99211 (Minimum, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99211 – SF Evaluation & Management - Minimum, Established Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99211 GT (Minimum, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99211 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Minimum, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99212 (Expanded, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99212 – SF Evaluation & Management - Expanded, Established Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99212 GT (Expanded, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99212 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Expanded, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99213 (Detailed, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99213 – SF Evaluation & Management - Detailed, Established Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99213 GT (Detailed, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99213 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Detailed, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99214 (Moderate, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99214 – SF Evaluation & Management - Moderate, Established Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99214 GT (Moderate, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99214 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Moderate, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99215 (High, Established Patient)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99215 – SF Evaluation & Management - High, Established Patient
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99215 GT (High, Established Patient, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99215 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - High, Established Patient, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99315 (Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - 30 minutes or less)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99315 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - 30 minutes or less
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99316 (Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - more than 30 minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99316 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Discharge, Day Management - more than 30 minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99341 (New Patient Home Visit, 15 - 29 minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99341 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - New Patient Home Visit, 15 - 29 minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99342 (New Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99342 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - New Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99344 (New Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99344 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - New Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99345 (New Patient Home Visit, 75 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99345 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - New Patient Home Visit, 75 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99347 (Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99347 – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes"
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99347 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99347 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 20 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99348 (Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99348 – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99348 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99348 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 30 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99349 (Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99349 – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99349 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99349 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 40 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99350 (Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99350 – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management (State-Funded) – 99350 GT (Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99350 GT – SF Evaluation & Management - Established Patient Home Visit, 60 or more minutes, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99305 (Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 35 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99305 - initial nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99306 (Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 45 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99306 - initial nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99307 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 10 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99307 - subsequent nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99308 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 15 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99308 - subsequent nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99309 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 25 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99309 - subsequent nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (Medicaid) – 99310 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 35 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management provided by a Psychiatrist / MD/ DO or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior authorization.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
3. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
4. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the member.

Service Code
99310 - subsequent nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99305 (Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 35 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99305 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 35 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99306 (Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 45 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99306 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Initial, Typically 45 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99307 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 10 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99307 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 10 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99308 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 15 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99308 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 15 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99309 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 25 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99309 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 25 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation & Management, Daily (State-Funded) – 99310 (Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 35 Minutes)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Evaluation and Management services provided by a Psychiatrist / MD or a Psych NP/PA.

Auth Submission Requirements
1. Prior authorization is not required for this service. E/M codes are not specific to mental health and are not subject to prior approval.
2. Medicaid Application: Individuals must apply for Medicaid.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One CPT code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Outpatient BH does not cover: a) sleep therapy for psychiatric disorders; b) medical, cognitive, intellectual or development issue that would not benefit from outpatient treatment services, OR; c) when the focus of treatment does not address the symptoms of the diagnosis.
2. State funds will not cover the same services provided by the same or different attending provider on the same day for the same individual
3. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
4. Physicians billing E/M codes with psychotherapy add-on codes must have documentation supporting that the E/M service was separate and distinct from the psychotherapy service.
5. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.
6. Telehealth, Virtual Communication, and Hybrid Telehealth services must follow the guidelines and requirements detailed in the State-Funded Telehealth and Virtual Services service definition.

Service Code
99310 – SF Evaluation & Management, Daily - Nursing Facility Care - Subsequent, Typically 35 Minutes
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (MCD) – 96130 (First Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a member’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A. For substance use disorders, clinical across the six ASAM criteria assessment dimensions is required.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Psychological Testing does not cover testing for the purpose of educational testing; if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psychological testing; if the proposed psychological testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, or; if the focus of assessment is not the symptoms of the current diagnosis. 
2. Limit of eight hours of Psychological Testing allowed to be billed per date of service.
3. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
4. Testing must include all elements detailed in the CCP.
5. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96130 - Evaluation of Psychological Test, First Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (MCD) – 96130 GT (First Hour, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a member’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A. For substance use disorders, clinical across the six ASAM criteria assessment dimensions is required.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Psychological Testing does not cover testing for the purpose of educational testing; if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psychological testing; if the proposed psychological testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, or; if the focus of assessment is not the symptoms of the current diagnosis. 
2. Limit of eight hours of Psychological Testing allowed to be billed per date of service.
3. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
4. Testing must include all elements detailed in the CCP.
5. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96130 GT – MCD Evaluation of Psychological Testing, First Hour, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (MCD) – 96131 (Each Add’l Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a member’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A. For substance use disorders, clinical across the six ASAM criteria assessment dimensions is required.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Psychological Testing does not cover testing for the purpose of educational testing; if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psychological testing; if the proposed psychological testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, or; if the focus of assessment is not the symptoms of the current diagnosis. 
2. Limit of eight hours of Psychological Testing allowed to be billed per date of service.
3. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
4. Testing must include all elements detailed in the CCP.
5. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96131 - Evaluation of Psychological Test, Each Additional Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (MCD) – 96131 GT (Each Add’l Hour, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a member’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements/ Documentation Requirements
Pass-Through Period: Prior authorization is not required for this service.

Authorization Parameters
Units: The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: N/A. For substance use disorders, clinical across the six ASAM criteria assessment dimensions is required.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Psychological Testing does not cover testing for the purpose of educational testing; if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psychological testing; if the proposed psychological testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, or; if the focus of assessment is not the symptoms of the current diagnosis. 
2. Limit of eight hours of Psychological Testing allowed to be billed per date of service.
3. Members w/ both MCD and Medicare, the provider shall bill Medicare as primary before submitting a claim to MCD. For members having both MCD and any other insurance coverage, the other insurance shall be billed prior to billing MCD.  MCD is the payor of last resort.
4. Testing must include all elements detailed in the CCP.
5. The provider shall communicate and coordinate care with others providing care. When the member is receiving multiple BH services in addition to this service, a tx plan must be developed, and outpatient behavioral health services are to be incorporated into the tx plan.

Service Code
96131 GT – MCD Evaluation of Psychological Testing, Each Add’l Hour, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Intellectual Development Disability
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (State-Funded) – 96130 (First Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a recipient’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests:
1. TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior approval if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.
2. Psychological Evaluation: A copy of the previous evaluation is required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.
3. Service Order: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of testing administration.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Testing for the following is not covered: a) for the purpose of educational testing; b) if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psych testing; c) if the proposed psych testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, OR; d) if the focus is not the symptoms of the DSM-5 diagnosis. 
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. A Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview is not allowed on the same day as Psychological Testing when provided by the same provider.
4. May only be performed by licensed psychologists, licensed psychological associates, and qualified physicians.
5. Testing must include all 9 elements detailed in the CCP.
6. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.

Service Code
96130 – State-Funded Neuropsychological/ Neurobehavioral Evaluation of Testing, First Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (State-Funded) – 96130 GT (First Hour, Telehealth)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a recipient’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests:
1. TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior approval if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.
2. Psychological Evaluation: A copy of the previous evaluation is required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.
3. Service Order: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of testing administration.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Testing for the following is not covered: a) for the purpose of educational testing; b) if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psych testing; c) if the proposed psych testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, OR; d) if the focus is not the symptoms of the DSM-5 diagnosis. 
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. A Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview is not allowed on the same day as Psychological Testing when provided by the same provider.
4. May only be performed by licensed psychologists, licensed psychological associates, and qualified physicians.
5. Testing must include all 9 elements detailed in the CCP.
6. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.

Service Code
96130 GT – State-Funded Neuropsychological/ Neurobehavioral Evaluation of Testing, First Hour, Telehealth
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required

Evaluation of Psychological Testing (State-Funded) – 96131 (Each Add’l Hour)

Authorization Guidelines:

Limited funding. Not an entitlement.

Brief Service Description: Psychological testing involves the culturally and linguistically appropriate administration of standardized tests to assess a recipient’s psychological or cognitive functioning. Testing results must inform treatment selection and treatment planning.

Auth Submission Requirements
All Requests:
1. TAR: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.  Providers may seek prior approval if they are unsure the recipient has reached their unmanaged visit limit.  To ensure timely prior authorization, requests must be submitted prior to the last unauthorized visit.
2. Psychological Evaluation: A copy of the previous evaluation is required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.
3. Service Order: required if the unmanaged units have been exhausted.

Authorization Parameters
1. The appropriate procedure code(s) determines the billing unit(s). One service code = 1 unit of service.  
2. Up to 9 unmanaged units of testing administration.  

Age Group: Children/ Adolescents & Adults

Level of Care: While the LOCUS/ CALOCUS are specifically no longer required, providers are still expected to use a standardized assessment tool when evaluating an individual for treatment services.

Service Specifics, Limitations, & Exclusions (not all inclusive): 
1. Testing for the following is not covered: a) for the purpose of educational testing; b) if requested by the school or legal system, unless MN exists for the psych testing; c) if the proposed psych testing measures have no standardized norms or documented validity, OR; d) if the focus is not the symptoms of the DSM-5 diagnosis. 
2. Only 1 psychiatric CPT code from the State-Funded Outpatient Behavioral Health Services policy is allowed per individual per day of service from the same attending provider. Only 2 psychiatric CPT codes from this policy are allowed per individual per date of service.
3. A Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview is not allowed on the same day as Psychological Testing when provided by the same provider.
4. May only be performed by licensed psychologists, licensed psychological associates, and qualified physicians.
5. Testing must include all 9 elements detailed in the CCP.
6. The provider will communicate and coordinate care with other professionals providing care to the recipient.

Service Code
96131– State-Funded Neuropsychological/ Neurobehavioral Evaluation of Testing, Each Add’l Hour
Diagnosis Group
Intellectual Development Disability
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Age Group
Benefit Plan
Prior Authorization Required