NC Innovations


Medicaid program for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities

Trillium Individual Family Guide

NC Innovations is a Medicaid Waiver program for individuals with intellectual disabilities/ developmental disabilities who prefer to receive long-term services and supports in their home or community, rather than an institutional setting. It helps individuals and families have more control over their lives by offering a large array of service options, providing opportunity for meaningful activities through community involvement or work, and helping achieve life goals.

Please note:There are only a certain number of NC Innovations Waiver slots. If the slots are full, your name will be added to the Registry of Unmet Needs. Please see below for more information.  

Trillium Beneficiary Responsibilities NC Innovations

Registry of Unmet Needs (RUN)

Individuals who think they may qualify for NC Innovations services need to complete Trillium’s  “Registry of Unmet Needs” (RUN) application and send it to Trillium with supporting documentation. Trillium reviews applications and places individuals who are potentially eligible for the Innovations Waiver on the RUN list while waiting for Innovations Waiver slots to become available. While on the RUN, individuals can receive certain community-based services depending on medical necessity. Final Innovations eligibility is determined when a slot becomes available.  

For any questions or to submit your RUN application please email 

NC Innovations Renewals and Updates:

Innovations Frequently Asked Questions

The Role of the I/DD Care Manager

At Trillium, individuals receiving services through the Innovations Waiver receive Care Management, which:

  • is family-focused
  • acts as an information hub between agencies and systems
  • coordinates a community-level service plan
  • develops or ensures development of a crisis plan
  • focuses on understanding needs in the context of strengths and connecting people to appropriate services
  • facilitates planning with inclusion of community and natural supports, monitoring services and celebrating successes
  • focuses on assessment, service planning, referral and linkage, monitoring and risk management

If at any time, you would like to discuss making changes to your Individual Support Plan, please contact your assigned Care Manager at 1-877-685-2415

Individual and Family-Directed Supports

Trillium offers two ways in which services may be provided for individuals receiving services through the NC Innovations Waiver.

  • Provider-Directed Supports - The provider is in charge of hiring and managing staff. You depend upon the provider to carry out the services in your Individual Support Plan (ISP).
  • Individual & Family-Directed Supports - You and your family have more control over the way your services are provided by directing them yourself. You, your family, or the legally responsible person direct services. You may decide to self-direct one or all of the eligible services you receive through the NC Innovations Waiver. There are two models for you to choose under this option:
    • Agency with Choice Model - You partner with the provider to supervise or manage support workers.
    • Employer of Record Model - You, your family, or the legally responsible person supervise or manage support workers.
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